70 YEARS OF ACTIVITY For Cancer Patients

Israel Cancer Association // Annual Report 2022

Digital Platforms

The ICA places much emphasis on making progress and providing an extensive ground to promote the ICA messages through the various digital outlets. Therefore, we expanded the ICA activity on digital platforms, and created a new Digital Department that caters to all of ICA's departments. The digital department played an active role in the 'Door KnockĀ®' online campaign and continues to lead the ICA's presence online and on social media, expanding the exposure of ICA's activity to the public. The Digital Media Department Director is Ziv Douchan . The Israel Cancer Association Digital Assets The department runs the ICA's digital assets with emphasis on stylized content and language, and strict information security. ICA website: www.cancer.org.il

such as cancer diseases, prevention, cancer patients' rights and services, etc. The forums are staffed by top oncology experts in Israel, who volunteer their time with great commitment. We upgraded designated web pages for ICA's activities, such as Door KnockĀ®' online fundraising campaign, breast cancer detection and prevention, skin cancer detection and prevention, the Charles Clore Hostel, the Mobile Mammography Unit route, checkup stations on skin cancer awareness week, event registration, booking lectures for workshops, and the 'keeping cancer patients warm' project. Digital forms were also upgraded on the website. The website is also available in Arabic, English and Russian.

The ICA website is updated on a daily basis and provides cancer patients, survivors and their families with extensive and reliable information about all aspects of the various cancer disease, treatment modalities and rehabilitation methods, as well as how to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the disease and recovery. The website provides the general population with information on how to reduce the risk of developing cancer, how to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as information on early detection methods. The website contains 22 professional online forums for the general public on various cancer-related topics,

Hebrew-Gregorian Calendar The department created a Hebrew-Gregorian digital calendar designed for the general public which contains all cancer awareness days. "Calendar" is one of the popular search words on the internet, and our calendar is designed to serve as another platform for exposing the ICA's content to the public and fundraising, and now reaches 30,000 visits per month: http://calendar.cancer.org.il


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