Municipal LGBTQ Equality Index

The Israeli LGBTQ Student Association - creates communities and operates on over 30 campuses nationwide. In addition, it operates a student residential community network and several national professional communities in health, education, and care. The association is a home for LGBTQ students on campus and creates a social LGBTQ space with equal rights and tolerance for the LGBTQ community in academia. Trans Israel - The nonprofit organization was established in 2020 to promote trans-women rights in Israel, regardless of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, age, and sexual orientation. The organization manages the Trans Home Project. Bat Kol - The religious LBTQ women's organization – the only organization in Israel that is a home and a community for women, operating for a female LBTQ voice in both the Israeli LGBTQ community and religious circles. They are partners in the coalition of religious LGBTQ organizations. Alliance Lioness - The organization for families of individuals who identify as transgender or are gender variant. The organization's goal is to implement support and reaffirm transgender children within families, institutional frameworks, and the Israeli society as a whole, and by that, take care of their well-being. Ma'avarim - Israeli Trans Community – Empowering the trans community through knowledge and resources. The organization operates to make knowledge accessible for trans individuals, their friends and families, and professionals; Develop activities and address local needs; and promote policy change to benefit trans and gender variant people. The Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance - An organization for social change that operates a multidisciplinary treatment and educational community center to turn Jerusalem into a city where every individual can have the freedom to be themselves, live their lives, and build a liberal, pluralistic model society, where the LGBTQ community has equal rights. The LGBTQ Frameworks of Otot - Otot addresses the needs of teenagers, and at-risk youth, including providing shelter and out-of-home settings, utilization of rights, and the tools to live functional lives in Israeli society. The organization operates two long-term and two short-term hostels for the LGBTQ community. The LGBT Center - The home for the LGBTQ community in Tel Aviv, and a framework for national activities, leading processes of community building, and addressing the needs of many non-ununionized groups. The center holds many social and therapeutic group meetings, performances, shows, parties, exhibitions, projects combating loneliness in senior members, mentoring and employment for transgender individuals, an LGBTQ clinic, and more. Israel AIDS Taskforce - The oldest and most prominent organization in Israel dealing with HIV/AIDS. The non-profit organization operates educational, advocacy, and psychosocial services for people living with HIV. Works to promote policy change; deals with discrimination complaints; operates a support line and test clinics for anonymous and rapid HIV and other STIs tests. The Communities' House for Pride and Tolerance - The Communities' House for Pride and Tolerance is a local center for LGBTQ communities in Haifa and the North. The house is a safe and inviting space. Our goal is to create a thriving and substantial LGBTQ community by developing LGBTQ culture, building a solid community, and providing diverse responses to the unique needs of the LGBTQ community. The LGBTQ Sports Club of Israel - Strives to integrate and strengthen the inclusion of the LGBTQ community in the sports world by empowering its members, training them, forming a community fabric between them, and promoting the sports world to be more inclusive, equal, and accessible to the LGBTQ community. Havruta - An LGBTQ organization serving the religious community, operating inwards for community empowerment and outwards for acceptance of LGBTQ individuals in the religious community, strengthening the Jewish identity in the LGBTQ community. 054-4712636 IsraelAIDStaskforc 03-5613000 TLV LGBTQ Center 073-3844242 בית הקהילות - לגאווה וסובלנות 04-6657668 batkolorg 050-6449419 האחווה הסטודנטיאלית הגאה ברית הלביאות 052-8907769 TransIsrael 052-300-5280 Maavarim 058-4451475 02-6250502 Havruta חברותא 050-3693868 אותות 02-6710095

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