Blueprint for Social Change: Shaping an Impact-Based Strategy - Case Study 2002 – 2020

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The inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in these settings is crucial for them and their families.

Working Methods

Spheres of Influence

We identified the religious sphere , including various religious leaders, as a platform for improving access, opening the community’s gates and reinforcing the sense of belonging of people with disabilities. Based on this insight, we defined this as an important sphere of activity that can potentially have a broad impact by bettering the lives of people with disabilities and including them in society. Emphasis was on creating a sense and experience of belonging and community, and on mitigating loneliness. The Foundation chose to act in this sphere both in Israel and in the United States. Educational settings: Jewish schools, camps and informal activities for the various denominations and groups in the Jewish community are an integral, substantive part of the lives of children and their families in the United States. They have a powerful impact on the quality of their lives, their personal and family identity and the ability of the children and their families to integrate optimally into the community. Cultural and leisure centers shape community awareness to a large extent and serve as social and spiritual meeting places for all community members. Main Activities In accordance with the foundation's holistic approach, we chose to work on several aspects of Jewish communal life. To ensure the sustainability of the process, the Foundation established infrastructure and engines of growth so that the activity could continue even after it finished its involvement in the process. The Foundation used a similar method to devise solutions for all programs developed with its involvement. The tools and working procedures developed by the Foundation include: Developing and launching pilot programs in organizations that have the potential to assimilate theminorder to influence a large populationof peoplewithdisabilities. Devising an action and exit strategy that includes goals, targets for success, intervention activities, target populations and target dates. Planning infrastructure for organizations and for focal points of activity.

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