חטיבת הביניים דקל וילנאי אורט - מהדורת קיץ - תשפ"א 2021

Invention Project As it is

challenging to do a project all on their own especially in English but admitted that it was enlightening and helped them learn to work independently . Having to present in English in front of the class was especially demanding but they succeeded in doing it beautifully and made me even more proud to be their teacher . The presentations were original , filled with fun videos and fun facts and overflowing with interesting information . It gave all of us the opportunity to learn about so many different inventions . These brilliant students of mine never failed to surprise me in the three years I have taught them and I am confident that they will continue to make their future teachers as proud as they have made me . By : Valerie Bouhana Emergui

c u s t o m a r y every year in 9 th grade , our class worked on a project on

i n v e n t i o n s . Despite the challenges of the pandemic and the lack of actual physical lessons in school , the students succeeded in researching the invention they were assigned and the results were very impressive . The project was divided in different stages and they were marked on each part separately . First , they were to do extensive research on the invention , which included its history , patenting and its development through the years . They were to build a timeline of the product and predict where they themselves saw the invention in a few years . Next , they were to build a model of the invention and to prepare a board with the information they had found . Finally , they had to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the class , which included information about the invention , fun facts and short clips but most importantly , what they had learned from the project . All students shared that they enjoyed doing the research , building the model and learned a lot . They acknowledged that it was

חט״ב דקל וילנאי אורט 26

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