Haruv Institute - Work plan - 2025-2029

The vision

Haruv Institute will continue to lead, in the world and in Israel, the development of knowledge and the training of professionals in the field of abused and neglected children and their families. The Institute will be a source of innovation and a platform for multi-professional and international learning in everything related to the safety and well being of children who are victims of abuse and neglect.

The goals

Haruv Institute will continue to promote trainings in the field of childhood abuse and neglect, for all relevant people (from the formal and informal systems in the children’s lives), in Israel and in various countries worldwide. The Haruv Institute’s efforts will continue to focus on prevention, identification, accompaniment and intervention with children and their families, in their communities and in society. Haruv’s trainings are based on four main aspects: the trauma aspect, the children’s rights aspect, the developmental aspect and the ecological aspect. In order to advance the Institute’s mission, it must continue to lead in the domain of international knowledge; it must constantly develop unique, up-to-date, high-quality knowledge, integrate it into trainings and disseminate it on the various platforms. It is important to emphasize Haruv Institute’s connection to the multiple changing challenges that the various systems face. Therefore, a main goal of the Institute’s trainings is to link the knowledge in the various fields to the complex practice in the intervention field.


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