Haruv Institute - Work plan - 2025-2029
Work Plan
The vision
Haruv Institute will continue to lead, in the world and in Israel, the development of knowledge and the training of professionals in the field of abused and neglected children and their families. The Institute will be a source of innovation and a platform for multi-professional and international learning in everything related to the safety and well being of children who are victims of abuse and neglect.
The goals
Haruv Institute will continue to promote trainings in the field of childhood abuse and neglect, for all relevant people (from the formal and informal systems in the children’s lives), in Israel and in various countries worldwide. The Haruv Institute’s efforts will continue to focus on prevention, identification, accompaniment and intervention with children and their families, in their communities and in society. Haruv’s trainings are based on four main aspects: the trauma aspect, the children’s rights aspect, the developmental aspect and the ecological aspect. In order to advance the Institute’s mission, it must continue to lead in the domain of international knowledge; it must constantly develop unique, up-to-date, high-quality knowledge, integrate it into trainings and disseminate it on the various platforms. It is important to emphasize Haruv Institute’s connection to the multiple changing challenges that the various systems face. Therefore, a main goal of the Institute’s trainings is to link the knowledge in the various fields to the complex practice in the intervention field.
Alongside this development, the Institute is required to continue developing significant collaborations and relationships with bodies and organizations working in the field of child abuse in the State of Israel and worldwide, and it must continue promoting partnerships in its various projects. The goal is to promote societies that see children, speak with them, work to promote their protection, and guarantee the most beneficent, high-quality treatment for them.
The objectives
To advance the realization of the Institute’s vision and goals, the following objectives were set: 1. The Haruv Institute will continue to be a leading body and will play the roles of a leader, trailblazer and enabler, collaborating with other bodies and pooling resources and knowledge. 2. The Haruv Institute will expand its collaborations in Israel and internationally. 3. The Institute will develop advanced knowledge and innovative intervention methods. These will be the firm basis for the development of study programs customized to different target audiences, and will emphasize the basis for the Institute’s actions (a trauma-informed developmental aspect, based on children’s rights and adapted to all characteristics of children, their families and their communities). 4. The Institute will develop the innovation and technology component in all its trainings. 5. The Institute will position itself as an innovative social body that operates at the highest standards in terms of ethics and its commitment to society, in aspects of environmental quality, fair employment and payment policy, and contribution to the community.
Directions of action for the next five years
From the Institute’s above-mentioned goals and objectives, we derive 12 directions of action for the next five years: 1. Positioning the Institute as the leading institution in Israel and the world in the training of professionals; committing to continuously transferring knowledge into Israel and from Jerusalem to the entire world. 2. Increasing the scope of training for professionals and anyone who interacts with children, both to reach and expose a large population to professional and up-to-date content as well as to promote the graduates of previous trainings and position them at the forefront of the field’s professional knowledge. 3. Developing mass training programs and innovative and advanced ways to promote the protection of children in all formal and informal systems in their lives. 4. Promoting innovation and technology in all of the Institute’s trainings. 5. Identifying evidence-based intervention programs and prevention and treatment methods that have been successful in Israel or abroad, exporting or importing the knowledge while adapting it to different contexts in the lives of children. 6. Identifying subjects and issues that do not receive the attention they deserve in Israel and/or Oklahoma and developing tools to handle them (see details below). 7. Strengthening the Institute’s branch in the USA for the benefit of mutual learning between Oklahoma and Israel and for the benefit of the professionals in and around Oklahoma. 8. Enabling the participation of children from the general population and those who are victims of abuse and neglect, in the development of knowledge and in the Institute’s activities.
9. Turning the Institute into a green organization that operates at high standards of environmental protection. 10. Strengthening the Institute’s social nature as a fair employer that contributes to the community. 11. Making the Institute’s activities accessible to populations with special needs: running training courses in accessible areas and places, integrating sign language interpreters when necessary, and making the Institute’s website and online activities accessible. 12. Carrying out a continuous evaluation of the efficiency of the Institute’s activity and the way the trainings affect practice in this field.
Institute structure
In order to achieve the goals and objectives, and taking into account the directions of action, the Institute will prepare to work in five divisions, while maintaining maximum flexibility and preventing differentiation between the various fields. The Haruv Institute’s structure will match the tasks it faces: independent trainings, trainings in partnership with other bodies, mass training and knowledge development, human resources management and administration. Below are the five divisions of the Institute: 1 The Division for Learning Programs with Partners – the core of the Institute’s activity will continue to be to train professionals, in full partnership with government ministries, local authorities, various associations and employers. This activity is characterized by full cooperation with the various professional bodies whose people will participate in the trainings. As in the past, the Institute will refrain from creating off-the-shelf programs and will continue to tailor the most suitable program for each partner and its people. The Institute and the partner agencies will finance these programs jointly. Apart from rare cases, the Institute will cease to hold programs without participation in financing. The long-term goal is to participate in financing at about half the cost.͂ The division director will be head of this division, alongside the project managers specializing in learning programs for the various systems (education, welfare, health, law enforcement and justice). This division’s staff will continue to work to expand the Institute’s audiences as well as the fields of training and their uniqueness, in accordance with the needs of the professionals working in the field. They will ensure the quality and up-to-dateness of the trainings with the assistance of the Division for Research and Knowledge Development.
2 The Division for Professional Development of Professionals – Another central platform of the Institute’s activity is creating unique and advanced trainings for professionals, even without the partnership of employers and services. Here, the Institute’s team will build and offer the programs to the public, undertaking to adapt the programs to different audiences (culturally, linguistically and geographically). Personal participant fees of professionals who participate in these programs will finance the trainings. The long-term goal is to reach 75%+ external financing.͂ The division director and an assistant professional will lead the division, involving the various project managers. The aim is to continue to spread the Haruv Institute programs to different audiences. Simultaneously and in cooperation with the Institute’s leading team and the Division for Research and Knowledge Development, they will promote the introduction of additional advanced programs. 3 The Division for Mass Training – This division will dedicate its resources to promoting the training of thousands of professionals who interact with children on a regular basis. It will develop innovative tools and diverse channels to reach mass audiences by means that have not been tried so far. Since the first years will be devoted to the development of various tools and channels for action, the Institute will chiefly finance this division.͂ The division director will work to promote the Institute’s influence on new and innovative platforms in the national and international domains.
4 The Division for Research and Knowledge
Development – The division director will work to maintain Haruv’s position at the forefront of knowledge development in the national and international domains. The division will review professional literature for the trainings and activities in the various divisions; it will promote unique projects that will focus on developing knowledge with partners from the field in the various systems; it will develop unique models that will form the basis of the various trainings in all divisions.͂ A quality assurance unit will operate in this division to ensure the quality of trainings. Its task will be an ongoing evaluation process of the various training programs, which will ensure their quality. It must guarantee a continuous flow of the latest developed knowledge to the relevant trainings.͂
5 Division of Human Resources and Administration – The division director and staff will promote the administrative aspects and human resources of the Haruv Institute.
The staff’s role will be to ensure that we operate transparently and fairly while promoting social and environmental values.
All divisions – The Institute will continue to stand at the forefront of knowledge dissemination in Israel and the world. In Israel, Nekudat Mifgash [Meeting Point], and in the world, The International Journal on Child Maltreatment will continue to be leading journals that make innovative knowledge accessible to professionals in different systems. The Institute’s website will be upgraded and adjusted to promote the Institute’s vision, goals and objectives.
Unique projects to be developed
Cross-divisional projects
Lived Experience Experts project Haruv Institute will continue to develop knowledge and promote training in cooperation with lived experience experts, mainly with two groups: 1. Project of childhood experts – Children and teenagers from the general population will assist the Institute’s staff in developing knowledge and a basis for trainings according to their expertise. 2. Project of child abuse experts – Adults who suffered abuse as children will work in cooperation with the Institute’s staff to promote innovative knowledge and the basis for trainings. Once a year, we will form two separate groups, which will focus on different topics related to the innovative knowledge developments that the Institute wants to promote. Projects of the Research and Knowledge Development Division 1. Knowledge development in the field of prevention – Prevention is a core field at the Haruv Institute and requires developing knowledge and making it accessible to the Institute’s different audiences. As part of this development, we will establish an international team on the subject of prevention. 2. International incubator for innovative interventions with vulnerable children (incorporating AI) – In order for the Haruv Institute to be at the forefront of innovation and technology, we will establish an “incubator” dedicated to the development of groundbreaking knowledge and tools in the national and international domains.
Key topics to be developed and included in the Institute’s trainings
When developing the five-year work plan, the Haruv Institute staff identified the necessity to develop knowledge on the following topics and integrate them into the trainings:
Emotional abuse
Physical abuse
Harming children with disabilities
Resilience of child victims of abuse
The role of the peer group in the lives of child victims of abuse Children exposed to high conflict divorce (uniquely addressing child victims of abuse within this phenomenon)
Cooperating with children
Haruv events
A central part of the Institute’s activities is leading events, both in the national and international domains, which promote collaborations in an interdisciplinary community committed to the protection of children.
In the national domain We will dedicate four large study days to all systems in the lives of children: 1. A year-opening event in the South; 2. A mid-year event in Jerusalem; 3. A year-end event in the North; 4. A seminar for professionals in the Arab society in Israel held annually in a different geographical location, to ensure the Institute is accessible to all audiences.
In the international domain The following events will take place once a year:
1. Hosting guests from abroad and holding workshops, to which the different target audiences of the Institute will be invited (some of the workshops will be held in Israel and some abroad); 2. Holding an international workshop for professionals in partnership with ISPCAN (an innovative pilot project, first of its kind in the world); 3. An event in memory of Professor Gary Melton. Once every two years, the Institute will hold an international doctoral student workshop and an international conference (the next event will be held in May 2025).
Haruv Institute, The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 9765418 Tel: 972-77-5150300
haruvinstitute www.haruv.org.il
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