מכון חרוב - דו"ח שנתי 2023

Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others October 2023 Partners: Oklahoma Foster Care Agencies

חרוב ארצות הברית | 2023 דו"ח שנתי 101

Aim: Being a foster parent demands 24/7 care from people in the community who may not have the knowledge or training related to vicarious trauma. The goal is to teach them to protect and regenerate themselves when challenged by trauma in their role as foster parents. Target audience: Foster Parents

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 8

Location: Online

Budget: 300 USD

Hidden in Plain Sight: Sex Trafficking in Oklahoma November 2023 Partners: Oklahoma Coalition Against Trafficking Aim: Train community members and professionals to be able to identify the risk factors and signs of commercial sexual exploitation of youth. Target audience: General professional audience

Number of meetings: 2

Number of participants: 47

Location: Tulsa, OK

Budget: 1925 USD

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