מכון חרוב - דו"ח שנתי 2023

Child Abuse Medical Examination Training October 2023 Partners: OCCY

חרוב ארצות הברית | 2023 דו"ח שנתי 106

Aim: Train medical professionals on child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation, and on best practices for working with or treating children who have been sexually abused or

exploited and are seeking medical care. Target audience: Medical Professionals

Number of meetings: 1

Number of participants: 37

Location: Tulsa, OK

Budget: 5175.97 USD

How Faith Communities Can Keep Kids Safe and Support Families – Physical Punishment, Maltreatment, and the Continuum of Violence against Children October 2023 Partners: Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry Aim: Train community members and faith leaders that corporal punishment is not only ineffective at correcting a child’s behavior, but it can escalate child harm (legally classified as child abuse) and long term negative life outcomes. This unhealthy, ineffective way to teach prosocial behaviors at home or at school is still legal in Oklahoma. Target audience: Faith leaders, educators, mental health providers, advocates for youth

Number of meetings: 2

Number of participants: 53

Location: Tulsa, OK

Budget: 2430.61 USD

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