Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
the right and the capability of transmitting reliable and legally binding information on what they have experienced. 7RZDUGV WKLV SXUSRVH WKH ƉOP “The Right to be Heard” , was produced and translated LQWR (QJOLVK DQG $UDELF DQG ZDV VFUHHQHG WRJHWKHU ZLWK D OHFWXUH WKDW ZDV DGDSWHG each time to the target audience. This program was presented in nearly 110 lectures EHIRUH SURIHVVLRQDOV IURP YDULRXV GLVFLSOLQHV $ SURPRWLRQDO SDPSKOHW IRU distribution over the internet and at lectures was prepared. Activities for marketing and removing barriers were carried out in a variety of places and in collaboration with different bodies Education, welfare and health frameworks : the program was marketed among the frameworks that treat the complex communication disabilities population – in kindergartens, schools, child development clinics, employment frameworks, residential frameworks, welfare departments, etc. The program was promoted at staff meetings, in teachers’ rooms, courses, and integrated into teaching seminars. The judicial and legislative system: LQ RUGHU WR UHPRYH EDUULHUV DPRQJ WKH MXGLFLDO and legislative workers, a program was presented at the staff meetings of the regional 6WDWH $WWRUQH\ŶV 2IƉFHV FHQWUDO VRXWK QRUWK DQG -HUXVDOHP LQ WKH &RXUVH RI (YLGHQFH /DZ DV SDUW RI WKH MXGLFLDO WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP DQG WR QHDUO\ ƉIW\ MXGJHV IURP different courts. In addition, the program was presented to the Child Interrogation and Special Investigations Service of the Welfare Ministry in the different regions, in order WR DVVXUH WKDW WKH $$& LQWHUURJDWLRQV DUH DVVLJQHG WR HVSHFLDOO\ WUDLQHG LQWHUURJDWRUV and to raise the awareness of employing speech therapists in additional investigations. The Israel Police: $V SDUW RI WKH FROODERUDWLYHHIIRUWZLWK WKH ,VUDHO 3ROLFH D GD\ VHPLQDU was organized to improve the accessibility of services to people with disabilities. The day seminar included lectures on the different forms of disability, provided practical tools for discourse with people with disabilities, and discussed the procedures and regulations police should follow when encountering people with disabilities, bringing WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ LQWR VKDUS IRFXV $W WKH HQG RI WKH GD\ VHPLQDU WKH $$& 3URJUDP was introduced, to raise police awareness of the ability to interrogate also those people who do not speak. Lectures for family members of people with disabilities: With the conclusion RI WKH $$& 3URJUDP WKHUH ZDV D QHHG WR UDLVH DZDUHQHVV DPRQJ WKH IDPLOLHV DV ZHOO 7RZDUGV WKDW SXUSRVH 6KRVK =HHY 5HVKHI ZDV UHFUXLWHG 6KH LV WKH 1DWLRQDO 'LUHFWRU 6XSHUYLVRU RI WKH 6HUYLFH IRU 7UHDWPHQW RI WKH 3RSXODWLRQ ZLWK $XWLVP DQG $6' 6KH KHOG DERXW WZHQW\ PHHWLQJV ZLWK JURXSV RI SDUHQWV WR FKLOGUHQ ZLWK GLVDELOLWLHV WR EULQJ WKLV FRPSOH[ VXEMHFW WR WKH VXUIDFH DPRQJ WKH IDPLOLHV DQG UDLVH their awareness of this issue. Lecture at Ashalim: In order to expose the program before the general public and SURIHVVLRQDOV D 7(' OLNH YLGHR IRU WKH LQWHUQHW ZDV SURGXFHG ZLWKLQ WKH $VKDOLP *2 2 SURMHFW
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