Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
Presenting the program at the Isaac Organization’s International Conference, Toronto, Canada: ,Q $XJXVW WKH SURJUDP FRRUGLQDWRU 8UL *XU 'RWDQ DQG 1HWWD %HQ =HHY WKH GHYHORSHU RI WKH $$& WRRO WR KHOS FRPPXQLFDWLRQ SHRSOH ZLWK disabilities be interrogated, attended the Isaac Organization’s conference in Toronto WKDW IRFXVHG FRPSOHWHO\ RQ WKH $$& 3URJUDP 7KLV DXJPHQWHG WKH ZLGH H[SRVXUH DQG XQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKDW ,VUDHO LV D OHDGLQJ ƉJXUH LQ WKH ZRUOG LQ DFFHVVLQJ MXVWLFH WR WKH SRSXODWLRQ RI XVHUV RI WKH $$& SURJUDP 7KH $$& WHDP SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW lectures delivered before representatives and interested individuals from all over the ZRUOG DQG HYHQ FUHDWHG SDUWQHUVKLSV IRU MRLQW OHDUQLQJ
1HWWD %HQ =HHY VSHHFK WKHUDSLVW DQG GHYHORSHU RI WKH $$& LQYHVWLJDWLRQ WRRO and Uri Gur Dotan, Coordinator, the Sector RQ $EXVH RI &KLOGUHQ :LWK 'LVDELOLWLHV WKH Haruv Institute, the International Isaac Conference, Toronto, 2016
Concluding day seminar: In December 2016, a summing-up day seminar, under the title “There is someone to talk to”, was held. It was attended by 150 professionals, DQG VFUHHQHG YLGHRV FUHDWHG E\ WZR $$& XVHUV DQG KRZ WKH\ YLHZ WKH SURJUDP Training programs: 'XULQJ WKH ƉUVW \HDUV RI WKH SURJUDP WKH LQWHUURJDWLRQV RI communication-people with disabilities were done by the speech therapist, Netta %HQ =HHY DQG WKH VSHFLDO LQYHVWLJDWRU 0LFKD +DUDQ $V WKH SURJUDP EHJDQ LW EHFDPH clear that there is a need to train more special investigators and speech therapists, in order to widen the professional pool at the national level and adapt them to the various degrees of specialization, geographic dispersion and cultural differences.
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