Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

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The newsletter, “Nekudat Mifgash”, is published twice a year. One issue is dedicated to the entire scope of topics relevant to the issue of child abuse, while the second LVVXH LV GHGLFDWHG WR RQH FKRVHQ VXEMHFW The newsletter’s contribution is in creating an infrastructure for discourse, cooperation and coordination between the various agencies, by making information DFFHVVLEOH ERWK LQ WKH DFDGHPLF ZRUOG DQG LQ WKH ƉHOG RQ FKLOG DEXVH LVVXHV WKDW DUH of interest to the professional congregation. The newsletter includes articles on a wide variety of topics related to child abuse, including legal, therapeutic and research DVSHFWV DQG UHYLHZLQJ VSHFLDO SURMHFWV In 2016 the newsletter was turned into a digital format, making it more accessible and more comfortable for reading and research. The digital format is distributed through D PDLOLQJ OLVW RI WKH +DUXY ,QVWLWXWH DQG VWXGHQWV LQ WKH ƉHOG DQG LV DFFHVVLEOH RQ the institute’s website. The newsletter is also printed and distributed among the attendees of the institute’s training programs and seminars.

In both its digital and printed format, the newsletter is distributed to about 10,000 professionals. In 2016 two issues were published: one in January 2016, issue no.11, focusing on a single issue; the second in July 2016, issue no.12, covering multiple topics. Both newsletters, numbers 11 and 12, can be found on the internet site of the Haruv Institute, along with the other issues. Search for “Nekudat Mifgash Newsletter” in the Research and Publications section of the site. Budget: NIS 50,000

Nekudat Mifgash Newsletter – covers of issue 11, January 2016

Nekudat Mifgash Newsletter – covers of issue 12, July 2017


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