Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016


,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 67$7( 81,9(56,7< 2) *(25*,$ $1' 7+( $6+'2' 081,&,3$/,7< The SafeCare program in the United States works towards the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The Haruv Institute seeks to check its applicability in Israel. The program was developed to prevent neglect and abuse of children up to the age of ƉYH DQG WR GHDO ZLWK LWV RFFXUUHQFH ,Q WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV WKH SURJUDP ZDV DSSOLHG to extensive populations (in the state of Oklahoma, in many parts of the state of Georgia, and more). The program proved to be very effective in preventing repetitive neglect in families known to the welfare agencies, or among poor families in general. The program consists of three units: parent-child interaction, child safety and the health of the child. In the course of the program, weekly sessions with a counselor DUH KHOG LQ WKH IDPLO\ŶV KRPH $W HDFK VHVVLRQ D VSHFLƉF WRSLF LV VWXGLHG GXULQJ ZKLFK the counselor carries out observation and then explains, demonstrates and exercises with the parent the acquired skill. In 2016, the pilot program in Israel began. SafeCare experts trained about 15 people in $VKGRG WR EHFRPH KRPH YLVLWRUV 7KHLU WUDLQLQJ ZDV WRRN SODFH IURP -DQXDU\ st , 2016. They then began their house visits, meeting with families. The phase of the pilot program, meant to include about 50 families and review the effectiveness of the intervention, continued throughout 2016.



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