Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

Luncheon and discussion with Prof. Larry Aber and the directors of the community services – “How does poverty affect child development?”. Studies show that poverty deeply affects family life, and especially the children’s lives, as they are more exposed to the repercussions of the heavy existential pressures their parents experience. It is of the greatest importance to understand the way in which poverty affects society and the families in that society, and to perceive the children who live in poverty as an important target population in which treatment, community and other resources must be invested. 3URI $EHU PHW ZLWK NH\ ƉJXUHV LQ WKH FRPPXQLW\ WKDW DUH DFWLYH LQ KHOSLQJ ZHDN populations, and with the directors of the community services, and delivered a lecture as well. ',6&866,21 352) /$55< $%(5 :,7+ 7+( 67$)) 2) &+,/' :(/)$5( ,1 2./$+20$ &,7< ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ (' /$.( '+6 ',5(&725 June 2016 3URI $EHU PHW ZLWK WKH &KLOG :HOIDUH VWDII DQG GLVFXVVHG ZLWK WKHP WKH HIIHFW RI poverty and trauma on child development and on the effect of secondary trauma on professionals who help these children.



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