Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

'U %ULDQ ( %ULGH D GLVFXVVLRQ RQ WKH GLIƉFXOWLHV DQG H[SHULHQFHV OLQNHG WR VHFRQGDU\ trauma experienced by the professional workers. November 9-11 th , 2016

'5 %5,$1 ( %5,'( November 9-11 th , 2016

:LWKLQ WKH IUDPHZRUN RI +DUXY 86$ŶV SXEOLF OHFWXUHV VHULHV WKH ,QVWLWXWH KRVWHG 'U Brian Bride, an expert on secondary trauma in professionals. During his three-day visit, Dr. Bride met with 6 faculty members of the School of Social Work and with 15 professionals from the Center for Treatment of Domestic Violence. 7KLV ZDV IROORZHG E\ D SXEOLF OHFWXUH WKDW 'U %ULGH GHOLYHUHG RQ WKH VXEMHFW Ÿ6HFRQGDU\ 7UDXPD $PRQJ 3URIHVVLRQDOVŹ 6HFRQGDU\ WUDXPD LV D SKHQRPHQRQ IDPLOLDU WR WKRVH ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH ƉHOG RI FKLOG DEXVH ,W LV KLJKO\ LPSRUWDQW WR DGGUHVV WKLV LVVXH WR KHOS the professional workers identify the signs indicating possible secondary trauma, and to learn the different ways of coping with it. Participants: 120 professionals $Q DGGLWLRQDO PHHWLQJ ZLWK 'U %ULGH ZDV KHOG ZLWK VWDII PHPEHUV RI WKH 8QLW IRU 7UDXPD DQG &KLOG $EXVH RI WKH &KLOG DQG )DPLO\ 6HUYLFH DQG SURIHVVLRQDOV IURP WKH Oklahoma Department of Human Services, DHS. The aim of these meetings was an RSHQ GLVFXVVLRQ ZLWK 'U %ULGH RQ WKH GLIƉFXOWLHV DQG H[SHULHQFHV OLQNHG WR VHFRQGDU\ trauma experienced by the professional workers. 7+( 9,6,7 2) $ *5283 2) 5(6($5&+(56 0(0%(56 2) 7+( .(03( +$589 )(//2:6 April 1-3 rd , 2016 The members of the group visited various sites in Tulsa – the physicians in the group visited a children’s hospital, members of the Strong Communities program in the


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