Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

7+( 7$1'< &(17(5 )25 ('8&$7,21 $1' 6,08/$7,21 Social simulations are reality-based scenarios played by trained actors (virtual clients) and are relevant to a variety of professions. These simulations are integrated into the students’ study program in order to provide a secure, semi-structured environment, in which professionals can learn and improve essential skills. In addition, IRU SURIHVVLRQDOV ZKR DUH DOUHDG\ ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH ƉHOG VRFLDO VLPXODWLRQV KHOS VKDUSHQ and improve the skills they have. These social simulations are held at the Tandy Education Center, at the Oklahoma University campus in Tulsa. 75$,1,1* ,19(67,*$7256 2./$+20$ 81,9(56,7< ,1 78/6$ ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 6&+22/ 2) 62&,$/ :25. January 22, 2016 The use of social simulations has been found to be greatly effective in training SURIHVVLRQDOV LQ WKH ƉHOG RI FKLOG DEXVH

Training investigators at the Tandy Center, February 2016


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