Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
In order to link the professional congregation in Tulsa to the simulation process and to increase the number of investigators, a day of training was held, in which the advantages of simulation and the interrogation process were discussed. The aim was WR WUDLQ SURIHVVLRQDOV IURP GLIIHUHQW ƉHOGV WR EH DEOH WR ZRUN DV LQWHUURJDWRUV The training program included ten participants, therapists in the community and members of the teaching faculty at the School of Social Work and the Nursing School at Oklahoma University, Tulsa. Training included: how to teach adults, the advantages of simulation-based training, the structure of an interrogation and how to conduct it. The trainees practiced simulated interrogations, becoming familiar with all its aspects and experiencing what it is like to be interrogated, which will contribute to their conducting actual interrogations. There is a growing interest in simulation-based training, among the professionals in the community and students. Participants: 10 professionals
Participants’ Feedback: The participants noted that the training was meaningful for them, especially as they themselves took part in the simulations and personally experienced the accompanying feeling of interrogation and the entire process.
´23(1 +286(µ $7 7+( 7$1'< &(17(5 )25 6,08/$7,21 )25 352)(66,21$/6 February 10 th , 2016 In order to expose professionals who work with maltreated children and their families to the innovative simulation center and its many training options, the simulation center hosted an Open House. The event included a tour of the center, a presentation of the various training possibilities and a simulation, to familiarize the visitors with the procedure and H[SHULHQFH LWV VLJQLƉFDQFH DQG LPSDFW
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