Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

Participants’ Feedback: ‡ Thank you, it was fascinating and worthwhile. Well suited to our sector. ‡ Thank you for the workshops you led with our students. The teachers gave the excellent feedback on the manner in which the material was presented, on how well it was adapted to the girls who, as you know, are in special education. God willing, the homeroom teachers will continue to present this VXEMHFW LQ WKH IUDPHZRUN RI WKHLU SUHSDUDWLRQ IRU OLIH OHVVRQV &RQWLQXH doing good work in this important mission of yours. 75$,1,1* 21 6(;8$/ $%86( $7 7+( '$9,' &+,/'5(1·6 9,//$*( January-March 2016 The aim of this training program was to provide professional workers with practical tools for creating a secure haven at the boarding-school and after-school activities program of the David Children’s Village at Ramat Shlomo, Jerusalem. Participants learned means of prevention and acquired tools for coping and treatment. Subjects of the Training Program: The background of the girls and adolescent girls who come to the boarding-school and clubs; adolescence as a developmental stage; mandatory reporting; child investigation; inappropriate exposure of children and adolescents to the internet and the media; coping and methods of treatment. Participants : 20 staff members from various disciplines at the boarding-school and clubs. Meetings: 6 sessions Budget: NIS 7,000

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The Haruv Institute continues training the graduates of its programs in order to create a congregation of therapists that continues to learn and remain updated. In D WZR GD\ VHPLQDU ZDV KHOG RQ WKH VXEMHFW RI LQWHJUDWLQJ &RJQLWLYH %HKDYLRUDO Therapy (CBT) into the treatment of sexual trauma. Participants: 30 graduates of the courses for Ultra-Orthodox therapists

Sessions: 2 sessions Budget: NIS 8,000


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