Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
7UDLQLQJ WKH HGXFDWLRQDO VWDII LQ NLQGHUJDUWHQV E\ WKH SURMHFWŶV OHDGLQJ VWDII LQ locating and treating sexual abuse in children. 3ODQQLQJ WZR NLWV RQ WKH VXEMHFW E\ WKH SURMHFWŶV OHDGLQJ VWDII RQH IRU ZRUNLQJ with children, the second for working with parents. Participants: 30 multi-disciplinary staff members – kindergarten teachers, social workers, psychologists and supervisors from East Jerusalem.
Sessions: 10 sessions Budget: NIS 50,000
Training Session of men and women therapists in East Jerusalem 2016
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