Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

‡ 7UDLQLQJ WKH HGXFDWLRQDO VWDII LQ NLQGHUJDUWHQV E\ WKH SURMHFWŶV OHDGLQJ VWDII LQ locating and treating sexual abuse in children. ‡ 3ODQQLQJ WZR NLWV RQ WKH VXEMHFW E\ WKH SURMHFWŶV OHDGLQJ VWDII RQH IRU ZRUNLQJ with children, the second for working with parents. Participants: 30 multi-disciplinary staff members – kindergarten teachers, social workers, psychologists and supervisors from East Jerusalem.

Sessions: 10 sessions Budget: NIS 50,000

Training Session of men and women therapists in East Jerusalem 2016

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