Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
Participants: about 30 social workers and counselors Sessions: 8 sessions Budget: NIS 8,000
75$,1,1* &2856( 21 &+,/' $%86( ² )25 7($&+(56· $,'(6 ,1 7+( .,1'(5*$57(16 2) 7+( -$77 /2&$/ &281&,/ ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( /2&$/ &281&,/ August 2016 In the collaborative framework with the Jatt Local Council, the Haruv Institute led a WUDLQLQJ FRXUVH RQ WKH VXEMHFW RI FKLOG DEXVH DQG FKLOG QHJOHFW WDUJHWLQJ WKH WHDFKHUVŶ aides in the town’s kindergartens. 7KH DLGHV WRRN SDUW LQ D EDVLF WUDLQLQJ FRXUVH RQ WKH VXEMHFW RI FKLOG DEXVH DQG LQ D ZRUNVKRS RQ WKH VXEMHFW RI WKHLU YLHZV DQG IHHOLQJV UHJDUGLQJ WKH VXEMHFW RI FKLOG DEXVH Participants: about 40 participants 75$,1,1* 352*5$06 )25 :25.(56 $7 75($70(17 &(17(56 )25 &+,/' 9,&7,06 2) 6(;8$/ $%86( ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 0,1,675< 2) :(/)$5( $1' 7+( 1*26 7+$7 23(5$7( 7+( 9$5,286 &(17(56 Since 2013 the Haruv Institute has been escorting the training of personnel who work at the treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse, in both basic and advanced WUDLQLQJ SURJUDPV 7KH WUDLQLQJ SURJUDPV DUH EXLOW LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH VSHFLƉF needs of each treatment center. (DFK FHQWHU KROGV WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQV RQ D YDULHW\ RI VXEMHFWV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH needs of the center’s staff. Sessions: 3 sessions Budget: NIS 7,000
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