Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT) The effect of treating sexual abusers and the sexually abused on managerial dynamics. Self-care workshop for therapists – working with water, as a source of renewal for burnout, etc. Participants: 150 workers of treatment centers Sessions: 10-30 training sessions in each center, as determined in each center. Overall Budget for training programs at the treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse: NIS 312,000 In addition, the Haruv Institute provided training programs adapted to trauma- informed intervention, based on the principles of Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) 75$,1,1* 352*5$06 21 7+( 35,1&,3/(6 2) 75$80$ ,1)250(' ,17(59(17,21 )25 7+( &$5( *,9,1* 67$)) 2) 75($70(17 &(17(56 )25 &+,/' 9,&7,06 2) 6(;8$/ $%86( Bnei Brak, Rishon LeZion and Lod In the framework of advanced training programs for treatment centers, a training program was held on CPP-based therapy. The aim of this program is to train therapists in the principles of trauma-focused therapy with preschool-aged child victims of sexual abuse, and their parents. Participants: 30 therapists Sessions: 5 sessions
Participants’ Feedback: It was an interesting course. It provided us with important tools for dyadic work with preschool-aged children. Close supervision after the course is very important, in order to practice and internalize the use of intervention tools. $OWRJHWKHU DQ DEVRUELQJ DQG HQULFKLQJ FRXUVH
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