Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
678'< 352*5$06 %$6(' 21 &+,/' 3$5(17 36<&+27+(5$3< &33 Child-Parent Psychotherapy is an evidence-based intervention model, developed in the 8QLWHG 6WDWHV E\ 3URI $OLFLD /LHEHUPDQ DQG 3URI 3DWULFLD 9DQ +RUQ 7KLV WUHDWPHQW method was developed for infants and preschool-aged children who suffered trauma in the family, and its aim is to nurture the ties between the preschool-aged child and his parents, in order to enable the child to return to his normative developmental track. Studies show that trauma affects both physical well-being and mental development. 3RVW WUDXPDWLF DGXOWV KDYH GLIƉFXOW\ UDLVLQJ WKHLU FKLOGUHQ WUDQTXLOO\ DQG FRQƉGHQWO\ DQG DW WLPHV ƉQG LW KDUG WR KHOS WKHLU FKLOGUHQ SURFHVV WUDXPDWLF H[SHULHQFHV 7KXV trauma damages the parents’ ability to be a secure base for their children. The CPP intervention approach is implemented against the background of the UHODWLRQVKLSV ZLWK WKH SULPDU\ DWWDFKPHQW ƉJXUHV In using this intervention approach, the therapist observes in dyad through two lenses: the attachment lens between the child and the therapist, and the trauma lens and its effect on the attachment. The therapist helps the child and his parent
%RRVWHU WUDLQLQJ RQ &33 ZLWK 3URI $OLFLD Lieberman, June 2016
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