Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
75$80$ ,1)250(' ,17(59(17,21 )25 &+,/'5(1 $1' )$0,/,(6 ,1 $ 67$7( 2) 75$80$ 25 &5,6,6 Traumatic events include the exposure to violence or harsh violent experiences, child DEXVH VHYHUH LOOQHVV RU VXGGHQ GHDWK RI D IDPLO\ PHPEHU GLYRUFH UHODWHG FRQƊLFWV ORVV RU GHVHUWLRQ RI D VLJQLƉFDQW ƉJXUH HWF 0DQ\ IDPLOLHV VXIIHU IURP RQJRLQJ trauma. Trauma-informed intervention assumes that understanding the effects of trauma on children, parents and their relationships, and providing tools to cope with the ensuing GLIƉFXOWLHV DUH LPSRUWDQW DQG EHQHƉFLDO WR HYHU\ RUJDQL]DWLRQ WUHDWLQJ SDUHQWV DQG their children. 7UDXPD GUDPDWLFDOO\ DIIHFWV FKLOGUHQ DQG WKHLU IDPLOLHV EXW LV GLIƉFXOW WR WDON DERXW Both parents and professionals tend to minimize the effect of trauma on children, DQG HYHQ SURIHVVLRQDO ZRUNHUV KDYH GLIƉFXOW\ ƉQGLQJ ZD\V WR GLVFXVV LW The Haruv Institute offers trauma-informed intervention to the welfare departments, local treatment centers, child development institutions, out-of-home placement frameworks, parent-and-child centers and every framework that treats young children who experienced trauma. This training is aimed at helping therapists talk with SDUHQWV EXW HVSHFLDOO\ZLWK FKLOGUHQ DERXW WKH GLIƉFXOW HYHQWV WKH IDPLO\ H[SHULHQFHG so that the children will be able to process these events with the family. In 2016, the Haruv Institute continued its training courses on trauma- informed treatment to those organizations that expressed interest. Training was provided to professional staff workers in the educational-psychological services, child-development centers, social service departments in Hod HaSharon, Modiin Elite and Hadera, as well as out- of-home placement frameworks. Subjects of the training program: 'HƉQLQJ WUDXPD DQG LWV HIIHFW RQ FKLOGUHQ and families; the effect of trauma on parenting; the language used in talking about trauma with children; the therapeutic encounter with the families; between parents and children, simulations with actors from MSR (the National Center for Medical Simulation), talking about trauma and its effect on the social workers.
Participants: about 150 professionals Sessions: 5-8 sessions with each group Budget: NIS 100,000
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