Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

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Families who seek the help of the Welfare Department frequently suffer from stressful and traumatic events that occurred in the family, such as exposure to violence or abuse, severe illness or sudden death of a family member, divorce-related FRQƊLFWV ORVV RU GHVHUWLRQ RI D VLJQLƉFDQW ƉJXUH HWF 0DQ\ IDPLOLHV VXIIHU IURP ongoing trauma. Participants: 75 social workers and therapists Sessions: 5-8 sessions Budget: NIS 53,000

Participants’ Feedback: ‡ $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH WUDLQHHV ZKR WRRN SDUW LQ WKH FRXUVH DW 0RGLLQ (OLWH WKLV course completely changed the manner in which they view the treatment of families in their department. The training program provided them with many new tools with which to work with families and children.


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