Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
UHMHFWLRQ ORVV RU GHVHUWLRQ RI D VLJQLƉFDQW ƉJXUH 5HPRYDO IURP WKH ELRORJLFDO family is an additional trauma. These events affect the child’s general functioning, but especially his emotional functioning, and his ability to form an attachment with his foster parents and other care-providers. The foster families need to raise these traumatized children, whereas their biological parents, who experienced the traumas as well with their children, need to cope with a damaged and fragmented parental connection. Subjects of the training program: 'HƉQLQJ WUDXPD DQG WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI WDONLQJ about it; trauma and attachment; talking with young children; talking with older children and adolescents; the child and his biological parents – on the importance of the ties between them to promote the child’s development in foster care; working with the foster parents; the social workers and compassion burnout. Participants: 30 counselors and care-providers from the therapeutic foster program :25. 6(66,216 )25 6(1,25 67$)) 0(0%(56 2) 5(6,'(17,$/ &$5( ² ,17(*5$7,1* 35,1&,3/(6 2) 75$80$ 75($70(17 ,1 &+,/'+22' :,7+ :25. ,1 5(6,'(17,$/ &$5( $OO WKH FKLOGUHQ DQG DGROHVFHQWV ZKR DUH SODFHG LQ UHVLGHQWLDO FDUH DQG SRVW hospitalization frameworks, crisis centers and hostels for adolescents have come to these frameworks after having experienced traumatic events in the family. These events affected their development, their relationship with their parents and their physical and mental health. However, the treatment programs created for children in residential care are not usually based on the principles of trauma treatment in childhood. Viewing children through the trauma lens is not customary in residential settings and therefore does not serve as a basis for consideration or practical application in building therapy programs. The aim of the training program is to discuss the integration of the principles of trauma treatment into residential care settings. The sessions took place at the Jerusalem Hills Children’s Home. Participants: 20 directors and senior staff members of residential care centers for children and adolescents Sessions: 8 sessions Budget: NIS 15,000
Sessions: 5 sessions Budget: NIS 13,000
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