Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
7+(5$3(87,& :25. :,7+ 7+( 67$)) 75($7,1* 3$5(176 2) $'2/(6&(17 *,5/6 ,1 287 2) +20( 3/$&(0(17 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 7252172 )5,(1'6+,3 25*$1,=$7,21 February 2016 – June 2016 7KH IDPLO\ LV WKH PRVW VLJQLƉFDQW IDFWRU WKDW LQƊXHQFHV D SHUVRQŶV ZHOO EHLQJ and mental health. Even when a child leaves home willingly or when he is forced to leave home due to neglect, abuse or other reasons, in most cases his family still remains involved in his life. For many and varied reasons, the work with parents is QRW VLPSOH $W WLPHV GXH WR D KHDY\ ZRUN ORDG WKHUDSLVWV DUH XQDEOH WR PDNH WKH effort to recruit the parents. Sometimes parents will raise the therapist’s anger and antagonism because of their abusive treatment of their children, and the therapists may feel these children and adolescents, especially young girls, would do much better without their parents’ involvement. Nonetheless, it is a fact that the girls’ ties with their parents are far more extensive than the period of time spent in out-of-home placement. These ties will accompany the girls throughout their lives and serve as a model for other relationships as they mature. Therefore, it is crucial to provide the parents with therapeutic care as well as to the adolescent girls, to help in their rehabilitation. The aim of the training program was to upgrade the therapeutic work with the parents of adolescent girls who reside in hostels for teen-age girls at risk. Subjects of the training program: the staff member’s attitude toward the parents and its effect on his/her work with the adolescent girls; theories about parenthood; the initial meeting with the family as a basis for collaborative work; therapeutic work on the adolescent girl’s ties with her parents as a contributing factor in her development; the absent parent; treating parents and children. Participants: 25 social workers, directors and coordinators of hostels for teen- age girls at risk
Sessions: 7 sessions Budget: NIS 11,000
6(0,1$5 )25 7+( ´2727µ $662&,$7,21 &225',1$7256 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 25*$1,=$7,21 October 2015 – May 2016 7KH Ÿ2WRWŹ $VVRFLDWLRQ RSHUDWHV RXW RI KRPH SODFHPHQW IUDPHZRUNV LQ WKH communities for at-risk adolescents from peripheral populations. Within these frameworks, it provides therapy, education and rehabilitation for adolescents from different backgrounds and sectors, while integrating them into the community.
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