Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

Subjects of the study program: Locating and identifying a child suspected of having been sexually abused; the effect of abuse on a child; the effect of abuse on the family; the effect of abuse on the community and creating communal protection; discussions ZLWK FKLOGUHQ DQG SDUHQWV RQ WKH VXEMHFW RI DEXVH WKH UROH RI WKH FRPPXQLW\ LQ leading communal protection; discussion with the community’s rabbi on issues and DFWXDO RFFXUUHQFHV WKH HIIHFW RI GLYRUFH UHODWHG FRQƊLFWV DQG SDUHQWDO DOLHQDWLRQ on the soul of a child; personal testimony; legal aspects of protection of children; FRPPXQLW\ UHVSRQVH IRU WKH EHQHƉW RI FKLOG YLFWLPV RI DEXVH Participants: 18 rabbis from the Center

Sessions: 6 sessions Budget: NIS 9,500

Participants’ Feedback: ‡ The knowledge I gain from this training seminar helps me at home as well, to better understand, perceive and talk with my children more properly, in addition to my role in the congregation.

Study program for rabbis of the Barkai Center on protection in the family and the community, Modiin, 2016


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