Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
352*5$06 )25 &+,/'5(1 $1' $'8/76 :,7+ ',6$%,/,7,(6 Research has shown that people with disablities are maltreated three to four times PRUH WKDQ RWKHU SHRSOH LQ VLWXDWLRQV RI DEXVH H[SORLWDWLRQ DQG YLROHQFH $ORQJ ZLWK WKH QXPHURXV DW ULVN VLWXDWLRQV DQG DEXVH WKHUH LV WKH GLIƉFXOW SUREOHP RI XQGHU UHSRUWLQJ 0DQ\ YLFWLPV DUH QRW GHWHFWHG DQG WKXV FDQQRW EHQHƉW IURP SURSHU intervention. In order to increase the protection of students with disablities, and thus decrease the incidence of violence, it is recommended that systematic prevention programs be launched. In addition to prevention programs and programs for detection of abuse, targeting professionals working with children, there is a need to increase the awareness of violence against children with disablities and increase the detection and reporting of these incidents, while providing tools for intervention when such incidents occur. 75$,1,1* 352*5$0 75($7,1* &+,/'5(1 :,7+ ',6$%/,7,(6 )25 7+(5$3,676 )520 7+( 6+(.(/ 25*$1,=$7,21 $33/<,1* 7+( 7) &%7 0(7+2' 75$80$ )2&86(' &2*1,7,9( %(+$9,25$/ 7+(5$3< ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 25*$1,=$7,21 December 2015 – January 2016 This is the second year that the Haruv Institute is training the caregivers at the SHEKEL organization in the TF-CBT. Currently there is no evidence-based method for treating the target population of FKLOGUHQ ZLWK GLVDEOLWLHV 7KH RQJRLQJ ZRUN LV PHDQW WR PDNH DGMXVWPHQWV LQ WKLV WUHDWPHQW PHWKRG IRU YLFWLPV RI VH[XDO DEXVH $IWHU OHDUQLQJ WKH PHWKRG D UHVHDUFK staff member mentors the therapists and examines the method’s effectiveness. The learning process is interesting and challenging and the process is now in progress. Switching over to this method challenges the trainees, as it is different from the dynamic therapy they are used to. However, the training and practical escorting is important and meets the treatment expectations of the therapists and their clients. Once the research is completed, it will be possible to ascertain if this method indeed is suitable for the target population, and if it offers both local and worldwide innovation of the evidence-based treatment method for this target population. Participants: 8 therapists of disabled child victims of sexual abuse Sessions: 22 bi-weekly sessions throughout the year Budget: NIS 15,000
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