Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
Day seminar for child development centers in Haifa, workshop on Parental Discourse, October 2016
Participants: Workers of the child development centers, 35 participants at each session Sessions: 5 sessions – in the northern district, central district and southern district Budget: NIS 37,000 678'< 352*5$0 )25 6&+22/ %866,1* (6&2576 2) 63(&,$/ ('8&$7,21 678'(176 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( +2/21 081,&,3$/,7< $1' 7+( +2/21 62&,(7< )25 ('8&$7,21$/ ,167,787,216 February – November 2016 In order to increase the safety of students with disablities and lessen the incidence of violence towards them, prevention programs are needed to raise the awareness of violence against this population and take action to detect and report such incidents and provide tools for intervention at the time of occurrence. Since the transportation, the bussing, of these students is an important part of their daily lives, during which WKH\ DUH VRPHWLPHV H[SRVHG WR DEXVH WKHLU HVFRUWV IXOƉOO DQ LPSRUWDQW UROH LQ prevention. The goal of this unique study program was to endow the escorts with the status of “transportation managers” in a manner that would enable them to cope with challenging situations during the bussing and give them the skills to minimize situations of abuse and violence.
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