Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

75$,1,1* &2856(6 )25 1856(6 $7 )$0,/< +($/7+ 67$7,216 The nurses at Israel’s family health stations are often the only professionals who HQFRXQWHU WKH LQIDQW DQG LWV IDPLO\ GXULQJ LWV ƉUVW VWDJH RI OLIH DQG IROORZ LWV development. Therefore, training them to detect, identify and report child victims of DEXVH LV RI FUXFLDO LPSRUWDQFH 7KH QXUVH SOD\V D PDMRU UROH LQ LGHQWLI\LQJ DQG WUHDWLQJ these children. Her required skills are affected, above all,by knowledge, awareness, professional experience, personal experience, personal culture and individual barriers. Nonetheless, the nurses in the family health stations seem to lack knowledge on WKLV VXEMHFW DQG KDYH RWKHU EDUULHUV DV ZHOO VXFK DV FRQFHUQ DERXW WKHLU FDUHJLYLQJ attachments. Thus, according to the data, nurses rarely identify and report abused FKLOGUHQ RQO\ DERXW RI DOO WKH UHSRUWV WR WKH FKLOG SURWHFWLRQ RIƉFHUV FDPH IURP the health care network). 6XEMHFWV RI WKH 7UDLQLQJ &RXUVH GHDOW ZLWK SDUHQW FKLOG DWWDFKPHQW DOO IRUPV RI DEXVH and its clinical and emotional effects; Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome; children with disablities; regulations and reporting procedures, Health Ministry regulations and barriers in reporting; the role of the nurse in detecting and reporting trauma in preschool-age children and its implications; secondary trauma of therapists; how to talk with children and interdisciplinary cooperation together with welfare agencies The nurses participated in a one-day seminar at MSR, the National Center for Medical Simulation. Training programs conducted in 2016: ‡ Study program for nurses at family health stations in Jerusalem - on the abuse and neglect of children, in collaboration with the Jerusalem Municipality, March-June 2016

Two-day study program for nurses family health stations in East Jerusalem, in collaboration with the Jerusalem Municipality, $SULO


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