Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
:25.6+236 $7 065 &(17(5 )25 0(',&$/ 6,08/$7,21 21 ,'(17,)<,1* 0$/75($7(' &+,/'5(1 ² )25 7+( 0(',&$/ $1' 1856,1* ',9,6,216 2) ,65$(/·6 +263,7$/6 6(&725 June 2016 The need to identify as early as possible child victims of abuse and to treat them, as well as the need to raise the awareness of this issue, is essential, especially when FDUHJLYHUV LQ KRVSLWDOV DUH FRQFHUQHG ų WKH ƉHOGV RI QXUVLQJ PHGLFLQH DQG WKH KHDOWK care professions. Therefore, the medical and nursing divisions in the hospitals sector, together with the Haruv Institute, created two one-day workshops that included two lectures and a discussion, as well as two experiential presentations with the help of actors, in order to update and improve their treatment skills regarding child abuse. The workshops were held at the MSR Center, Sheba Hospital. The workshops were attended by a varied representation of doctors and nurses from all the hospitals in Israel, from Yoseftal in Eilat in the south, to Haifa and the north. They came from a variety of hospital wards for children from all parts of the country. Participants: about 70 doctors and nurses Sessions: two one-day workshops Budget: Included in the nurses’ and doctors’ programming budget in the hospitals
Participants’ Feedback: Participants related that the workshops were important and interesting. Some RI WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV MRLQHG WKH SURJUDP WKURXJK WKH JHQHUDO KHDOWK VHUYLFHV
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