Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
Sessions: 2 sessions Budget: NIS 13,000
Participants’ Feedback: $W WKH HQG RI WKH GD\ WKH QXUVHV UHSRUWHG WKDW WKH\ KDG UHFHLYHG WKH WRROV WR detect and support families where there is suspected abuse and neglect, and with those tools they are returning to their various clinics.
678'< 352*5$06 )25 3+<6,&,$16 ,1 7+( &20081,7< ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ ´*26+(1µ $1' 7+( +026 The community physicians play an important role in the normal growth and development of the child: through follow-up and continual checkups of the infant and the healthy child, continual care, prevention and education towards health. Therefore the community physician has the opportunity and ability to detect victims of abuse and neglect and take part in their treatment. The community physician should serve as an important stratum in the structure for the prevention of child abuse and neglect. The Haruv Institute directed study workshops (three series per year) for about 35 physicians in each series, with participants from the different HMOs (Kupot Cholim), WR HQKDQFH WKHLU NQRZOHGJH DZDUHQHVV DQG VNLOOV LQ WKH ƉHOG RI FKLOG DEXVH DQG neglect. Within the framework of the program for community physicians in 2016 there were: Workshops for community physicians in the northern and central districts of Israel, in collaboration with the GOSHEN Organization, November – May 2016 $ OHFWXUH GHOLYHUHG WR FRPPXQLW\ SK\VLFLDQV LQ -HUXVDOHP LQ FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH general health services Participants: $ERXW FRPPXQLW\ SK\VLFLDQV Sessions: 5 sessions of 4 hours each, with GOSHEN, and one session of the general health services, Jerusalem Participants’ Feedback: ,W ZDV H[FHOOHQW DQ LPSRUWDQW DQG VLJQLƉFDQW WRSLF , WKLQN WKHUH ZHUH WZR KLJKO\ VXFFHVVIXO VHVVLRQV DQG YHU\ EHQHƉFLDO Two fascinating and enriching sessions, kudos, thank you so much.
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