Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
75$80$ ,1)250(' ,17(59(17,21 ,1 287 2) +20( )5$0(:25.6 In 2016 three trauma-informed intervention programs were held: Trauma-informed intervention, in collaboration with the “Re’im Transitional Home”, November 2015 – March 2016 Trauma-informed intervention, in collaboration with “Neve Wizo”, Herzliya, March 2016 – September 2016 Trauma-informed intervention, in the foster services, in collaboration with “Shachar – Foster Care Services”, September 2016 Participants: 50 counselors and therapists in the foster care services and the staff of the transitional home - the director, social worker, psychologist, educational staff and counselors. Sessions: 8-9 sessions with each group Budget of the three programs for the out-of-home frameworks: NIS 74,000 Feedback from Participants of the transitional home This training program changed my pattern of thinking about the children in the transitional home. Learning about the world of trauma helped me understand the children’s behavioral expressions at the transitional home. 7KH GLUHFW GLVFRXUVH ZLWK WKH FKLOGUHQ DERXW WKH WUDXPD EHQHƉWHG WKH WLHV with them, gave them and me an understanding of their behavior and helped 7KHUH LV QR GRXEW WKDW WKRVH ZKR PRVW EHQHƉWHG DUH WKH FKLOGUHQ IURP Neve Wizo. The training program contributed to a better understanding of their behavior and increased the compassion towards the children’s parents. The careful planning, the escorting by the program coordinator from Haruv Institute, done with patience, professionalism and pleasantness, contributed greatly as well. The foster parents felt that the training program improved their ties with the professional staff and deepened their understanding of the children’s reactions. me give more sensitive responses to the children’s needs. Feedback from Participants of the Foster Care Families
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