Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
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75$,1,1* 352*5$0 21 6(/(&7(' ,668(6 5(/$7(' 72 :25. :,7+ &+,/'5(1 $7 5,6. ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( :(/)$5( '(3$570(17 +(5=/,<$ 081,&,3$/,7< September – December 2016 Frequently, the families seeking treatment at the Welfare Department, come from a complex reality in their lives and suffer from stressful and distressful events, such as exposure to violence and abuse, illness, sudden death of a family member, divorce- UHODWHG FRQƊLFWV UHMHFWLRQ ORVV RU GHVHUWLRQ RI D VLJQLƉFDQW ƉJXUH 6RFLDO ZRUNHUV LQ WKH various social service departments encounter families that cope with multiple problems and needs, to which the workers must provide solutions, and all this while under a heavy workload. Many workers remark that they feel they don’t have the proper tools and resources for direct intervention. The act of intervention by the social worker with the families, and especially with the children who in these families, requires understanding the effects of stress and distress on families and children, and implementing the appropriate tools to cope with the situations of risk and danger to the children. In the program’s framework, the social workers were exposed to fundamental issues in work with children at risk and their families. The aim of the training program was to help the social workers with their daily coping. Subjects of the training program: children in states of neglect; multi-generational endangering families: the phenomenon and how we can stop the transference from generation to generation; approaches to working with parents; skills for discourse and intervention with parents; approaches to working with children in states of stress and distress; the language in talking with children; approaches to working with adolescents: how do we cope with resistance and aggression; skills in discourse and intervention with adolescents, a workshop with the participation of actors from MSR (the National Center for Medical Simulation); children with disabilities at risk of abuse, neglect; detecting and identifying disabled child victims of abuse, etc. Participants: 25 participants – family social workers, rehabilitation social ZRUNHUV DQG FKLOG SURWHFWLRQ RIƉFHUV
Sessions: 8 sessions Budget: NIS 21,000
75$,1,1* &2856( )25 352)(66,21$/6 $1' 678'(176 $7 7+( 1$7,21$/ &(17(5 )25 0(',&$/ 6,08/$7,21 065 7(/ +$6+20(5 +263,7$/ During the past decade we have witnessed the growing trend of using medical simulation for training and assessment in the medical professions. This trend has increased especially in response to growing demands to reduce human error in
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