Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
those needs directly or with the help of other experts. In the process of assessment and intervention, the family social worker escorts the family and is responsible for all the interventions and the connections with the various agencies that are helping the family. 0DQ\ WLPHV WKH VRFLDO ZRUNHUV HQFRXQWHU IDPLOLHV LQ ZKLFK WKH SDUHQWV KDYH GLIƉFXOW\ IXOƉOOLQJ WKHLU SDUHQWDO UROH 7KH FKLOGUHQ DQG WKHLU SDUHQWV H[SHULHQFH YDULRXV HPRWLRQDO DQG VRFLDO GLIƉFXOWLHV DQG WKH FKLOGUHQ PD\ VXIIHU DEXVH RU QHJOHFW DW WKH hands of their parents. Therefore, every family social worker must have the most FXUUHQW NQRZOHGJH LQ ZRUNLQJ ZLWK IDPLOLHV GHƉQLQJ WKH REMHFWLYHV RI LQWHUYHQWLRQ creating a connection and a treatment contract with the children and their parents and implementing the intervention with the children at risk and their families. Improving the professional and intervention skills of the family social worker in every facet of work impacts on the help given to children at risk and their families. 7KH DLP RI WKH WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP KHOG LQ $VKGRG ZDV WR SURYLGH WKH IDPLO\ VRFLDO workers with tools to work with children at risk, and especially to provide therapists with tools for intervention and direct treatment of children at risk and their parents. Participants: 35 family social workers Sessions: 2 days of study Budget: NIS 15,000 ,17(59(17,21 ,1 6,78$7,216 2) 675(66 $1' 75$80$ :,7+ )$0,/,(6 $1' &+,/'5(1 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( 5$0$7 +$6+$521 :(/)$5( '(3$570(17 November 2016 – January 2017 Frequently, the families who come for treatment to the Welfare Department suffer from stress and from traumatic events that occurred in the family, such as exposure to violence and abuse, illness, sudden death of a family member, divorce- related FRQƊLFWV UHMHFWLRQ ORVV RU GHVHUWLRQ RI D VLJQLƉFDQW ƉJXUH 0DQ\ RI WKHVH IDPLOLHV suffer from ongoing trauma. Participants: 30 Welfare Department workers: family social worker, child SURWHFWLRQ RIƉFHUV VRFLDO ZRUNHUV RI WHHQ DJHG JLUOV YLFWLPV RI DEXVH
rehabilitation workers Sessions: 6 sessions Budget: NIS 22,000
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