Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
6(0,1$56 )25 62&,$/ :25.(56 2) 7+( :(/)$5( /$: )25 7+( 0(17$//< ',6$%/(' $1' 5(+$%,/,7$7,9( 62&,$/ :25.(56 ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( :(/)$5( 0,1,675< September 27, 2016, October 10, 2017 $ VRFLDO ZRUNHU RI WKH :HOIDUH /DZ IRU WKH PHQWDOO\ GLVDEOHG LV DSSRLQWHG E\ ODZ WR SURWHFW SHRSOH ZLWK PHQWDO GLVDELOLWLHV 7KHVH ZRUNHUV ZKRVH MRE LV GLIƉFXOW DQG complex, receive special training in the law and its regulations and are dispersed throughout Israel. These study days not only provide them with new information, but also help them think outside the box, providing a respite from routine thinking patterns. Subjects of the study days: experiencing “an open head” and creative thinking; WKH DXWKRULWDWLYH ƉHOG DQG WKH WKHUDSHXWLF ƉHOG FDQ WKH\ JR WRJHWKHU" WKH ƉOP $ Paper Wedding, that deals with a cognitive-social disability. Discussion with the lead DFWUHVV $VL /HYL FKDQJHV WUHQGV DQG SURFHGXUHV LQ WKH UROH RI WKH VRFLDO ZRUNHU RI the Welfare Law (for the mentally disabled). Participants : 200 social workers of the Welfare Law and rehabilitative social workers Sessions : During 2016 two day-seminars were held, one in Shoham and one in Kiryat Chaim. Participants’ Feedback: )LQDOO\ ZH HQMR\HG D GD\ WKDW ZDV VR LQYHVWHG DQG LQWHUHVWLQJ WKDQN \RX IRU WKLQNLQJ RI XV DQG RUJDQL]LQJ D GD\ VHPLQDU LQ WKH QRUWK DQG QRW MXVW LQ WKH central district. '$< 6(0,1$5 )25 92/817((56 2) 35( $50< 38%/,& 6(59,&( $7 ´2*(1 +$.(+,/$7,µ $1' ´*$5·,1 %$0,'%$5µ November 29, 2016 The aim of this day seminar was to share information with the volunteers on the LPSRUWDQFH RI ŵEHQHYROHQW ƉJXUHVŶ DQG WKHLU VLJQLƉFDQFH IRU \RXQJ DGROHVFHQW ER\V in the frameworks in which the volunteers work. The day seminar began with a personal story of a girl at risk who, when she grew up, became a mentor for young girls at risk. “If they didn’t give up on me, I too won’t give up RQ P\VHOIŹ 7KLV ZDV IROORZHG E\ D OHFWXUH Ÿ$ERXW FKLOGUHQ DW ULVN ų IURP KHUH WR ZKHUH"Ź and concluded with an entertainment respite – a musical performance by Tal Kravitz. Participants : volunteers of pre-army public service, at “Ogen HaKehilati” and “Gar’in BaMidbar” Sessions : Day Seminar Budget : NIS 11,000
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