Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016
&21&(175$7(' 678'< '$<6 $1 ,1752'8&7,21 72 &+,/' 3$5(17 36<&+27+(5$3< &33 $1' 75$80$ ,1 :25.,1* :,7+ )$0,/,(6 $7 +,*+ 5,6. ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( +2/21 ('8&$7,21$/ 36<&+2/2*< 6(59,&( August – December 2016 Psychologists at the Educational Psychology Service, who work with preschool-aged children and their parents, encounter the effect of trauma on the child’s development and on his family. Therefore, there is great importance in training them in trauma- informed intervention for use with this child population. The importance of this training is prominent in view of the fact that in the forthcoming academic year (2016-2017) the Holon Educational Psychology Service will be providing VHUYLFHV IRU WKH ƉUVW WLPH WR +RORQŶV FKLOG GD\ FDUH FHQWHUV DV ZHOO 7KLV LV LQ DGGLWLRQ to the services already provided to the city’s kindergartens. Subjects of the day seminar: Defeated parenting; the effect of trauma on the parent-child relationship; why it is important to talk about the trauma; the process of diagnosing and assessing trauma; the principles of CPP and the principles of trauma intervention; consultancy sessions focusing on case presentations, etc. Participants : 35 psychologists from the Educational Psychology Service, Holon Municipality Sessions : 5 study days Budget : NIS 27,000 &21)(5(1&( 21 7+( 68%-(&7 6((.,1* +(/3 )25 &+,/'5(1 $7 5,6. )25 6(1,25 &2816(/256 $7 7+( 36<&+2/2*,&$/ &2816(/,1* 6(59,&( 6+()< ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 6+(), $1' %$5 ,/$1 81,9(56,7< December 7, 2016 The aim of the conference was to promote activism among the educational staff when seeking help for children at risk in general, and maltreated children in particular. Prof. Yaacov Yablon, Deputy Director of the School of Education and Head of the Department for Teacher Training at Bar-Ilan University, gave a lecture on “Students who sought help from the school services following at-risk situations”. 3URI $VKHU %HQ $ULHK &(2 RI WKH +DUXY ,QVWLWXWH OHFWXUHG RQ Ÿ0DOWUHDWHG FKLOGUHQ characteristics and the situation today”. 7KH NH\QRWH OHFWXUH ZDV JLYHQ E\ *LO 1RDP IURP +DUYDUG 8QLYHUVLW\ 8 6 $ ZKR SUHVHQWHG D XQLTXH WRRO WKH Ÿ+ROLVWLF 6WXGHQW $VVHVVPHQWŹ IRU FODVV PDSSLQJ RI students according to at-risk groups. With this tool, the homeroom teacher will know which students need his help and support, even if they didn’t approach him directly.
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