Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

Prof. Noam’s lecture was followed by a response from Einav Locke, head of the $VVLVWDQFH DQG 3UHYHQWLRQ 3URJUDPV 'HSDUWPHQW 6+()< WKH (GXFDWLRQ 0LQLVWU\ ZKR SUHVHQWHG WKH PLQLVWU\ŶV YLHZ RQ WKLV VXEMHFW Following the lectures, the attendees were divided into discussion groups to “translate the material into practical work plans.” Participants VHQLRU FRXQVHORUV LQ WKH ƉHOGV RI FRQVXOWDQF\ DQG SV\FKRORJ\ IURP WKH $VVLVWDQFH DQG 3UHYHQWLRQ 3URJUDPV 'HSDUWPHQW 6+()< Budget : NIS 20,000

&RQIHUHQFH RQ WKH VXEMHFW RI FKLOGUHQ DW ULVN ZKR VHHN KHOS for senior counselors of SHEFY, the Psychological Counseling Service, December 7, 2016

&21)(5(1&( 21 7+( 723,& ´3$5(17 &+,/' 5(/$7,216+,36 $6 $ %$6,6 )25 '(9(/23,1* (03$7+< ,1 &+,/'5(1 $ /22. 7+528*+ 7+( 75$80$ /(16µ $7 7+( 3$5(17 &+,/' &217$&7 &(17(5 1(7$1<$ ,1 &2//$%25$7,21 :,7+ 7+( &(17(5 1(7$1<$ December 15, 2016 The “Trauma Lens” provides a perspective and powerful therapeutic compass when working with children and their families. Over 300 professionals attended the day seminar, dedicated to the effects of trauma on children, parents and the ties between them. 3URI 7DOPD +HQGOHU D EUDLQ UHVHDUFKHU GLUHFWRU RI WKH 7HO $YLY &HQWHU IRU %UDLQ Functions, the Sourasky Medical Center, and the Sagol School for Neuroscience, the 6FKRRO RI 3V\FKRORJLFDO 6FLHQFH DQG WKH )DFXOW\ RI 0HGLFLQH DW 7HO $YLY 8QLYHUVLW\ delivered a lecture titled: “Is that you or me?”: a cerebral explanation for empathic failure under traumatic stress”.


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