Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016

This day seminar is the start of a long-term study program offered by the Haruv Institute for school bussing escorts, which began in November 2016. Participants: 170 bussing escorts from the Holon Municipality Budget : NIS 20,000 Participants’ Feedback: ‡ It was a fruitful, interesting and very meaningful day! It was fascinating to see the bussing escorts, a human composite of a variety of ages, cultures and training – taking an active part, asking questions, learning and doing VLPXODWLRQV RQ WKLV LPSRUWDQW VXEMHFW ‡ ,I LWŶV DERXW UHDFKLQJ WKH ZRUNHUV LQ WKH ƉHOG ZKR VHH WKH FKLOGUHQ GDLO\ LQ WKH FRPSOH[ MXQFWLRQV RI WKH GD\ WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH VFKRRO GD\ DQG LWV end – this is the target population!! ‡ :H ZHUH ƉOOHG ZLWK SULGH DV WR WKH VLJQLƉFDQFH RI RXU UROH DV EXVVLQJ HVFRUWV DQG WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI RXU MRE IRU WKH FKLOG ‡ It was an excellent evening, very relevant and enriching. It touched our hearts and recruited the people.

Day seminar, “Can you hear me?” – constructive communication between the bussing HVFRUW DQG WKH VWXGHQW +RORQ $XJXVW


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