Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2017


Conference on the Protection and Welfare of the Child, for the Mediterranean Basin Countries – Albania, June 2017 In Partnership with: University of Tirana, Albania Goal: To bring together professionals, policy-makers and researchers from the Mediterranean Basin countries, to establish a dialogue and joint vision on the protection of children. Additionally, the initiative aimed at increasing the cooperation between organizations and universities from the different countries and sharing knowledge and expertise to develop services and policies that improve the welfare of children in these countries. Target Population: Professionals, policy-makers and researchers from the Mediterranean Basin countries.

Number of Sessions: 3

Participants: 30 representatives from 11 countries: Albania, Algeria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Malta, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey. Each country sent 2-3 delegates, policy-makers, researchers and professionals.

Location: The Tirana University campus, Albania

Budget: NIS 50,000

Conference: “The Different Faces of Child Abuse and Child Welfare via the Mirror of Professional Practice and Research” – July 2017 In Partnership with: The University of Rijeka, Croatia Goal: To form a network of young researchers from different countries in the field of child maltreatment, to encourage their mutual cooperation and creativity towards the benefit of children. Target Population: Young researchers and specialists from different countries working in the field of child abuse and neglect.

Number of Sessions: 1

Participants: Around 70

Location: July 7-8, 2017, Rijeka University, Croatia

Budget: NIS 10,000


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