Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2017


Children At Risk, A Comparative Perspective – a Joint Course of the Haruv Institute and the Schools of Social Work of the Hebrew University,Jerusalem and Tulsa University, Oklahoma June 2017, November 2017 The fourth season of the academic course, “Children At Risk, A Comparative Perspective” – which focused on issues of direct treatment, and the policies and planning of services for children at risk from a comparative perspective – was made possible through the generous support of the Schusterman Family Foundation. In its fourth season, the course was attended by 7 students in the Master’s Degree program of the School of Social Work, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and two senior social workers from the Department of Welfare of the Jerusalem Municipality. There were 17 students from the School of Social Work of Tulsa University. The course members studied different aspects of developing services, with emphasis on multi-cultural work in each of the countries. Members of the Israeli and the American delegations – students and staff alike – continue to maintain strong ties of friendship and work. The course gives its participants an opportunity to observe and reflect on issues pertaining to their society of origin, through the lens of another society, and identifying what both societies have in common and how they are different. These insights are also reflected in the final papers all the students from both institutions wrote at the end of the course. The first part of the course was held during the last week of June 2017, in Jerusalem. The second part of the course was held in Tulsa, Oklahoma in November 2017.

Budget: NIS 60,000

The Joint Course with the OU university


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