Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2018


Academic Seminar Held throughout the year

Goal: To provide professional tools to the organizations’ staffs at the Haruv Children's Campus, with in-depth study of relevant issues, to ensure the staff’s increasing professionalism and expertise in their work, expanding their horizons and acquiring peripheral and inter- disciplinary knowledge for their work. Target Population: The staff of the various organizations operating at the Haruv Children's Campus.

Number of Sessions: 8

Number of Participants: 25

Location: The Haruv Children's Campus

Budget : NIS 8,000

The "Ultimate Day"– Orientation Day for the Staffs of the Organizations on Campus – Ben Shemen Forest April 26, 2018 Background and Goal: One of the goals we set out to accomplish with the opening of the children’s campus was to address the element of burnout that so typifies the staff members working with maltreated children. Therefore we initiated an ODT activity program towards mid-year that was both challenging and unifying. Emphasis was put on team work and cooperation on both physical and mental tasks, competition between mixed groups and a shared experience that provides relief from the tension-filled day-to-day work. At the end of the day, each participant received a token gift. Target Population: The staffs of the organizations at the Haruv Children's Campus.

Number of Participants: 115

Location: Ben-Shemen Forest

Budget : NIS 30,500

Workshop on Secondary Traumatization: Secondary Trauma – Its Impact on the Therapist and How to Cope With It – December 13, 2018 Goal: To understand secondary trauma and provide therapists with preliminary tools to lessen the symptoms of secondary traumatization and burnout. At the workshop theoretical contents were taught, followed by work in small groups to process the contents learned. Target Population: The staffs of the organizations at the Haruv Children's Campus.

Number of Participants: 60

Location: The Haruv Children's Campus

Budget : NIS 7,500


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