מכון חרוב - נקודת מפגש - גיליון 28 - ינואר 2025
טפשמה תכרעמב תונכוסמ תכרעה
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Douglas, K. S., Hart, S. D., Webster, C. D., Belfrage, H., Guy, L. S., & Wilson, C. M. (2014). Historical-clinical-risk management-20, Version 3 (HCR-20V3): Development and overview. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13 (2), 93-108. Garrington, A., Verma, P., & Davidson, C. (2023). A holistic approach to risk assessment in child protection cases: Social and legal implications. Journal of Social Work and Family Studies, 12 (4), 455-467. Hanson, R. K., Helmus, L., & Harris, A. J. R. (2016). Assessing the risk and needs of supervised sexual offenders: A review of the Dynamic Supervision Project. Public Safety Canada. Myhill, A., & Hohl, K. (2019). The “golden thread”: Coercive control and risk assessment for domestic violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34 (21-22), 4477–4497. Phenix, A., & Epperson, D. (2016). Overview of the development, reliability, validity, scoring, and uses of the Static-99, Static-99R, Static-2002, and Static-2002R. In A. Phenix & H. M. Hoberman (Eds.), Sexual offending: Predisposing antecedents, assessments and management (pp. 437-455). Springer Science + Business Media. Pinals, D. A., Appelbaum, P. S., & Simpson, J. R. (2020). The role of forensic mental health assessments in risk management and public safety. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 48 (2), 210-220. Rettenberger, M., Boer, D. P., & Eher, R. (2011). The predictive accuracy of risk factors in the sexual violence risk–20 (SVR-20). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38 (10), 1009-1027.
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