החאן - המחיצה

by Einat Yakir Directed by: Oded Kotler THE DEVIDE

Set and Costume Design: Frida Klapholz-Avrahami Lighting Design: Roni Cohen Music: Boaz Shchory Actors (in order of appearence): Nili Rogel - Ilana Yossi Eini - Noah Nir Ron - Tsali Yehudit Mandelbaum - Niva

Production Staff: Production Director: Shakehd Levi Production and Technical Supervisor: Sasson Chazam Lighting and Sound Manager: Roni Cohen News anchor - The voice of Daniel Pe'er Vocal coaching: Dorit Atzmon Assistant Director: Noam Peleg Program Editor: Poli Brinner Photography: Gerard Alon, Keren Alon Program Design: Nutelstudio Public Relations: Dana Sukholutsky - The Jerusalem Khan Theatre The lives of a married couple and the ODQGORUG RI WKH ÁDW LQ ZKLFK WKH\ OLYH DUH connected through a distressing incident in their past. When the land lord demands WKH\ YDFDWH WKH ÁDW WKH ZRPDQ UHVLVWV this with all her might and by doing so GUDJV WKH WKUHH RI WKHP LQWR D FRPSOH[ fantastical and unpredictable relationship.

נילי רוגל, יהודית מנדלבאום, ניר רון


The performance lasts about 1 hour and 15 min. (without intermission)

Premiere: August 1st. 2015

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