70 YEARS OF ACTIVITY For Cancer Patients
Israel Cancer Association // Annual Report 2022
Prostate Cancer Awareness Day
for prostate cancer early detection screening, since it has not be proven the best method for reducing prostate cancer mortality. According to various health organizations, the recommendation for men up to age 70, who are at high risk (family history of a father, brother or son who had prostate cancer), is to consult the physicians on the pros and cons of taking the early detection screening.
Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer disease in men in Israel, with the highest prevalence amongst older men. It is not often diagnosed in men under 50. While 50% of older men suffer urinary retention disorder, only 1 out or 9 older men will develop prostate cancer. However, some of the symptoms of both conditions are similar, hence the importance of checkup. The Ministry of Health’s guidelines for early detection of cancer diseases do not include a recommendation
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
social peripheries, the ICA purchased its first Mobile Mammography Unit, ‘Michal’ , in 2001, with the aim of raising compliance amongst women in the geographical and social peripheries to undergo mammography screenings. The mobile mammography unit has helped reduce the gaps in compliance rates between the various sectors, such as ultra Orthodox and new immigrant women, and the disparities between Jewish and Arab women have been completely eradicated. During 2022, over 17,500 screening tests were administered. The mobile mammography unit has been operating since 2010 by Assuta Medical Center , servicing members of all HMOs.
In October 2022, the Israel Cancer Association launched Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marking the global fight against breast cancer in Israel and worldwide. National Mammography Screening Program The National Mammography Screening Program was initiated by the ICA over 20 years ago, and has been implemented ever since in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and HMOs. Over the years, the program has been monitored and funded by the ICA: from population-based diagnostic radiology screening among the target group of women ages 50-74, through surgical procedures and pathological diagnosis, to monitoring of women diagnosed with malignant tumors. Millions of breast imaging tests have been monitored since the inception of the program. ICA Mobile Mammography Unit As part of the national screening program, and in order to increase women’s compliance to take the mammography screening in geographical and
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