70 YEARS OF ACTIVITY For Cancer Patients
Israel Cancer Association // Annual Report 2022
The Ica’s 61st ‘Door Knock’ ® Fundraising Campaign – Schools, Youth Movements, Organizations and Companies
This year, we approached workers’ committees of different companies to collaborate in raising awareness to a healthy lifestyle among the organization’s employees and to participate in the ‘Door Knock’® Fundraising Campaign. Sixty-two workers’ committees received information materials from the ICA on health lifestyle, the harmful effects of smoking, and early detection, took an active part in the fundraising campaign. Youth Movements Like every year, this year too, the Tsofim youth movement enlisted in the online campaign, and raised over 250,000 Shekels!
The ICA’s 62nd ‘Door Knock’® Fundraising Campaign* Opening Ceremony of the 62nd ‘Door Knock’® Fundraising Campaign at the President’s Residence
Isaac Herzog , Israel’s President, spoke at the ceremony: “Cancer doesn’t distinguish between Jewish, Muslim or Christian, men or women, young and older. It doesn’t spare the rich or the poor, big cities or peripheries. All of us, who cherish life – are united and determined to beat cancer – you, the ICA personnel, physicians and researchers, who fight it day and night. The ICA’s success is Israel’s success.”
The opening ceremony of the 2022 ‘Door Knock’® Fundraising Campaign was held in October, marking the ICA’s 70-year anniversary. As a long standing tradition, the ceremony was held at the president’s residence in the presence of Israel’s president, Isaac Herzog , who serves as the ICA’s patron, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz , Nobel Prize Laureate and Honorary President of the ICA, Prof. Aaron Ciechanover , ICA Vice-Chair and Acting Chairman, Prof. Moshe Mittelman , Mr. Leon Recanati , MK Idit Silman , MK Inbar Bezek , patients, survivors, volunteers and guests. The ceremony was led by ICA Director General, Moshe Bar Haim . The 2022 ‘Door Knock’® fundraising campaign chairman was Prof. Abraham Kuten, ICA Chairman.
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