70 YEARS OF ACTIVITY For Cancer Patients

Israel Cancer Association // Annual Report 2022

Adi Eitan , who survived cancer, serves as the chairman of the Modi’in Region ICA branch, and works tirelessly to raise awareness to the disease and to supporting patients: “It is my honor to accompany patients and survivors, and through the ICA, provide them with emotional, financial, physical and spiritual support. I bring my personal experience to the role, from the deepest most painful places, alongside much optimism, determination and keen desire to show them different ways of coping.”

Photos from the President’s Residence are curtesy of Ephrat Beloosesky

‘Door Knock’® Fundraising Campaign ‘Door Knock’® fundraising campaign is a known in every household in Israel and is at the core of ICA’s mission. This year, the annual campaign was held on October 24th and included tens of thousands of students from hundreds of schools across the


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