Israel Cancer Association - Annual Report 2023

Concerts and tickets for Cancer Patients and their Families This year, tickets were distributed to cancer patients and their families for various concerts, including the show 'Beaujolais' in Jerusalem, the show 'A lot to lose' in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, a concert with conductor Omer Welber and Symphonette Raanana, stand-up shows and Rami Kleinstein's concert in Givat Brenner. Hannukah Gift Packages – We Are All One Light

at Tel Aviv Museum, pianist Dr. Orit Wolf hosted Prof. Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel Prize Laureate and ICA Honorary President) for a talk on life behind the scenes, Sisyphean work and outcome, failure and success, investment and risk taking. Other artists participating in the event included singer Limor Ovad , sand artist Ilana Yahav , and dancers Ella Aharonov and Gadi Gitsis . All proceeds from this concert were donated to the ICA.

Mifal Hapais employees helping put together Hanukkah gift packages Hosting Leading ICA Donors in Concert 'Life Behind the Scenes' of Scientists and Artists At the end of December, the ICA invited leading donors to a unique concert titled 'Life behind the Scenes' of scientists and artists. In the concert held

Prof. Ciechanover, Ilana Weitzer, Moshe Bar Haim and Dr. Orit Wolf. Photo: Yoel Levy

'My Sister in Pink' Due to the war, 'My Sister in Pink', a breast cancer awareness event, was postponed from November 2023 and was held on January 19th, 2024, at ZOA House in Tel Aviv.


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