Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016 - Summary
20.Therapeutic work with the staff treating parents of adolescent girls in out- of-home placement, in collaboration with the Toronto Friendship Organization (Yedidut Toronto) 21. Seminar for the “Otot” Association coordinators, in collaboration with the organization 22. A concluding seminar on the protection program, at Kedumim 23. Ganei Tal – Training protection committees, in collaboration with the Nahal Sorek Regional Council 24. Evening seminar for protection committees, Nahal Sorek Regional Council: in collaboration with the council 25. Gush Etzion – training protection teams, in collaboration with the Gush Etzion social services departments 26. Gush Etzion – Counseling and Guidance Sessions with graduates of the protectiveness training program, in collaboration with the Gush Etzion Regional Council 27. A study program for the rabbis of the Barkai Center, on protection in the family and in the community, in collaboration with the Barkai Center 28. Outdoor Training (O.D.T.) – Workshop for the staff of the Beit Lynn child protection centers, In collaboration with the Welfare Ministry 29. Regional study days for child development centers, in collaboration with the Health Ministry 30.Study program for school bussing escorts of special education students, in collaboration with the Holon Municipality and the Holon Society for Educational Institutions 31. A program for parents of children with disabilities in Haifa (in Arabic): “How do we prevent abuse of our children?”, in collaboration with the KESHEROrganization 32. Training programs for the Alyn Hospital Staff, in collaboration with the Health Ministry and Alyn Hospital 33. Training program on the identification of suspected abuse among children with serious health problems, in collaboration with the Health Ministry and Alyn Hospital 34. Training program for directors of emergency centers, in collaboration with the Welfare Ministry 35. Workshop on the subject of divorce-related conflict, for the treatment staff of the Be’er Sheva Emergency Center 36. Beit Midrash “Dina” – an innovative workshop reflecting Jewish psychology, for women therapists treating both victims of abuse and abusers, In collaboration with the Ein Tzurim Herzog Center and the Help Center, Raanana 37. Study program “Lowering the Risk”, in collaboration with the Rotenberg Center for Jewish Psychology
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
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