Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016 - Summary
Other multi-disciplinary and multi- cultural study and training programs 1. Training educational staff in Talmud Torah schools 2. Training on Sexual Abuse at the David Children’s Village 3. Enrichment activities for the female graduates of the training program on sexual abuse, for female Ultra-Orthodox therapists 4. Sexual Abuse – training program for male Ultra-Orthodox therapists 5. Training counselors of the “Dare to Share” (Latet Pe) Organization, In collaboration withtheorganization 6. Training Course on Sexual Abuse of Children, for multi-disciplinary staff in East Jerusalem, in collaboration with the Municipality of Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Foundation 7. Training Course on child abuse – for psychologists, social workers and counselors of the Jatt Local Council, in collaboration with the local council 8. Training Course on child abuse – for teachers’ aides in the kindergartens of the Jatt Local Council, in collaboration with the local council 9. Basic course on sexual abuse – for new therapists at the treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse 10. Training course for directors of treatment centers for victims of sexual abuse 11. Advanced training for the workers of the 13 treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse 12. Training programs on the principles of trauma-informed intervention for the care-giving staff of treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse, Bnei Brak, Rishon LeZion and Lod 13. Study days: Sexual abuse of children, in collaboration with Eitanim hospital 14. Programs and training courses on the CPP method were held: An annual study program on CPP, and Two-day CPP booster sessions with Prof. Alicia Lieberman 15. Training program on trauma-informed intervention for children and families in a state of trauma or crisis, in the social services departments 16. The basic principles of CPP intervention: Child-parent therapy at preschool age, in situations of trauma and domestic violence, In collaboration with the Educational-Psychological Service (SHEFI), Tel-Aviv Municipality 17. Training program based on trauma-informed intervention, for the staff of the Child Development Center, Ashkelon and the Barzelai Hospital 18. Training in trauma-informed intervention at the therapeutic foster homes of the Orr Shalom Organization, in collaboration with the organization 19. Work sessions for senior staff members of residential care – integrating principles of trauma treatment in childhood with work in residential care
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