Haruv Institute - Annual Report 2016 - Summary
The Haruv Institute A Snapshot of Activities 2016
Message from Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh, Director of the Haruv Institute We are happy to present to you our annual report of the Haruv Institute’s activities for the year 2016. It is intended to provide basic information on the array of programs which the Institute initiated, developed, and implemented in 5 major areas:
• Study and Training Programs • Conferences and Study Days • Projects • Research and International Activities • Haruv – USA
The Haruv Institute is the leading body in Israel, and among the leading institutes in the world, for training in the field of maltreated children. The goal of the Institute is to train professionals, professional aides, investigators, parents and children, addressing every aspect of the prevention, detection, treatment and rehabilitation of maltreated children – along with the renewal and gradual building up of cutting- edge professional knowledge and its dissemination in Israel and throughout the world. Over 7,000 professionals actively took part in the annual and periodic programs run by the Haruv Institute in 2016 in Israel and abroad: events, seminars, conventions and workshops – in one-day or two-day activities and in study programs that ran for longer periods. Tens of thousands of people were exposed to the contents presented in these venues, transmitted by trained personnel, via written information disseminated by the institute at conventions and training sessions, or through the media, internet and the social media. This report reviews our activities, which we hope you will find interesting. Among other things, you will also find information on the wide spectrum of activities that the Haruv Institute initiated, developed, conducted and shared. Next to each activity appears its estimated budget. We will be pleased to receive your feedback and ideas, which could help improve and promote our activities, for the benefit and welfare of children-at-risk.
Sincerely, Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh Executive Director, Haruv Institute
Meeting the Challenge The Haruv Institute, established by the Schusterman Foundation Israel, is the leading body in Israel for training and research in the field of maltreated children. The goal of the Institute is to train professionals, professional aides, investigators, parents and children, in the field of treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect. The uniqueness of the institute lies in its multi-disciplinary and comprehensive activities that promote this goal from every aspect –medical, legal, psychological, educational and social. The Institute works towards coalescing a professional and public congregation, characterized by a broad general education and suitable skills and training, to advance the well-being and welfare of maltreated children. Towards that goal, the Institute works towards improving the tools at its disposal through the following means: Renewing and building up cutting-edge professional knowledge and its dissemination in Israel and throughout the world. Conducting study programs and courses, both short and long-term, for different target groups. The programs are all customized to the specific needs of each group. Organizing conventions, study days and seminars with the participation of prominent experts from Israel and abroad. These events are held throughout Israel, for various target groups, with emphasis on the peripheral communities, to help expand their knowledge and acquired information. Producing and distributing information and professional publications on the abuse and neglect of children – publishing data sheets, pamphlets and articles that review and gather relevant topical information; conceptualizing and documenting clinical field research; translating up-to-date information into Hebrew. Providing access to a database via the website, which includesa wide scope of information and lectures on various forms of abuse, both for families and professionals. Training young researchers Exchanging professional knowledge between Israel and other countries, and developing its international leading role by expanding its activities and presence and disseminating up-to-date innovative information in the field. This includes the establishment of a branch of the Haruv Institute in Tulsa, Haruv-USA, and exchanging delegations of academicians and policy-makers from different countries.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
Seeking collaboration initiatives and opportunities to promote the development of new projects in the field of abuse and neglect, assembling resources and knowledge.
What Makes the Haruv Institute Unique?
The uniqueness of the Haruv Institute is expressed in its comprehensive, multi- disciplinary activities geared to effectively address the issue of child abuse and neglect, including in the medical, legal, emotional, psychological, educational and social arenas. It is this approach which provides the Institute with its unique capacity to create system-wide impact and long-term sustainable change for the benefit of children who have experienced abuse and neglect and for their families. More specifically: Haruv's training programs are targeted at the entire spectrum of professionals surrounding and interacting with children at risk, Program participants work with all of Israel's diverse communities: The ultra- Orthodox, Arab-Israeli, Ethiopian-Israeli communities and more, Haruv tailors each of its programs and projects to the needs of the participants rather than taking programs "off the shelf", Haruv's work in several areas—training, research, development and dissemination of knowledge-- creates powerful synergy among them, with each informing and enhancing the other, Haruv's close collaboration with municipalities and government ministries relevant to the issue of child abuse—the Ministries of Health, Education, Social Affairs, Justice, and Public Security –insures that Haruv's programs will be well integrated into the work of these systems.
Haruv's professional staff comes from diverse professional backgrounds. Work conducted at the Institute is supported by a public council of leading professionals in the field. The council assists the Institute's management in formulating its professional policies and strategies and in positioning the Institute as a leader in training, education, and research on child abuse and neglect.
For more details, Visit our website www.haruv.org.il
Full report https://cld.bz/B681PPu/1
And on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/haruvinstitute/
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
The Budget
The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation is the founder of the Haruv Institute and its major contributor.
Multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural study and training programs One of the Institute's most unique features is its wide network of training and educational programs, including professionals from a wide variety of disciplines and cultures who come into contact with maltreated children.
Training includes: • Annual programs
• Short-term programs and courses • Programs focusing on all forms of maltreatment
• Programs especially focused on a particular area - for example, sexual abuse. • Programs simultaneously training professionals from different professional arenas • Programs targeted at a specific professional group
Selected programs
1. Study Programs for Professionals from The Ultra- Orthodox Sector The Haruv Institute’s training programs for the Ultra-Orthodox sector have focused on training therapists to treat sexually abused children and their families, in order to increase the number of professionals in the Ultra-Orthodox sector who specialize in this field. Training included imparting advanced theoretical knowledge and implementation tools to help address this phenomenon. To date, the Haruv Institute has trained nearly 120 female therapists and nearly 100 male therapists. In recent years awareness of this issue has increased in the Ultra-Orthodox society, along with the need to train professionals from other fields. Thus, in 2016 the Institute decided to extend its activities to additional Ultra-Orthodox populations.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
2. Training Programs for Professionals in the Arab Sector Addressing the issue of sexual abuse in the Arab sector requires an approach that is different from other sectors, due to the special culturally-linked sensitivity of the Arab society to this subject. Up to 2016, the training programs concentrated on the sexual abuse and treatment of children who were victimized. In 2016, in order to continue and expand these programs, it was decided to introduce training programs on locating and identifying sexually abused children within the Arab population. The aim of the training program, held at the village of Tira, was to increase the pool of professionals among the Arab population who specialize in treating child victims of sexual abuse, and their families, by acquiring advanced theoretical knowledge and tools for implementation to cope with the phenomenon. 3. Community Protection Committees: A Study Program for the Religious Zionist Settlements This is a multi-year program, designed for protective committees. These committees consist of volunteer professionals and officials, chosen by members of the settlement. The aim of the program is to help the community increase the safety of their children, by protecting them from abuse. The program is divided into two types of training: a daylong seminar, in which the participants are recruited, and a training program. The program’s graduates then receive individual supervisory sessions. 4. Study days: Therapeutic discourse with children, for the treatment staff of the new child protection center in Ashkelon The study day on the above subject is part of the study activities of the Haruv Institute at the child protection centers. The child protection centers often cope with situations in which child victims of abuse cannot, for a variety of reasons, undergo investigation. This day seminar aimed to facilitate therapeutic discourse with children, and included a workshop on how to encourage children to talk who are not under investigation. The treatment staff discussed whether it is right or desirable to encourage an abused child to speak and how to go about it.
5. Training program on the subject of sexual abuse, for the foster-care staff of “Orr Shalom” Subjects of the training course: conceptualizing the world of content of the abuser- abused; protection – conceptualization and responsibility; group workshops – creating a protective environment in different frameworks; sexual abuse in the therapeutic space; creating a joint language/common syntax for staff discussion on the subject – the balance between indifference and hysteria; observation via the lens of the abuser and the abused; work and discussion with the biological parents and foster parents; work and discussion with children on the subject of secrets; what belongs in the therapy room and what belongs in the therapeutic space. The participants also learned about treatment in the therapy room: the dynamics of abuse; understanding the dynamic abusive parts of abuse; therapeutic approaches to treating the abusers; aggression and abuse in the therapy room; identifying with the aggressor; separating the abuse from the patient’s other issues; re-victimization (repeated abuse). 6. Training program treating children with disabilities, for therapists from the SHEKEL organization, applying the TF-CBT method (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) The ongoing work is meant to make adjustments in this evidence-based treatment method for victims of sexual abuse. After learning the method, a research staff member mentors the therapists and examines the method’s effectiveness. Switching over to this method challenges the trainees, as it is different from the dynamic therapy they are used to. However, the training and practical consultation is important and meets the treatment expectations of the therapists and their clients.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
Other multi-disciplinary and multi- cultural study and training programs 1. Training educational staff in Talmud Torah schools 2. Training on Sexual Abuse at the David Children’s Village 3. Enrichment activities for the female graduates of the training program on sexual abuse, for female Ultra-Orthodox therapists 4. Sexual Abuse – training program for male Ultra-Orthodox therapists 5. Training counselors of the “Dare to Share” (Latet Pe) Organization, In collaboration withtheorganization 6. Training Course on Sexual Abuse of Children, for multi-disciplinary staff in East Jerusalem, in collaboration with the Municipality of Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Foundation 7. Training Course on child abuse – for psychologists, social workers and counselors of the Jatt Local Council, in collaboration with the local council 8. Training Course on child abuse – for teachers’ aides in the kindergartens of the Jatt Local Council, in collaboration with the local council 9. Basic course on sexual abuse – for new therapists at the treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse 10. Training course for directors of treatment centers for victims of sexual abuse 11. Advanced training for the workers of the 13 treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse 12. Training programs on the principles of trauma-informed intervention for the care-giving staff of treatment centers for child victims of sexual abuse, Bnei Brak, Rishon LeZion and Lod 13. Study days: Sexual abuse of children, in collaboration with Eitanim hospital 14. Programs and training courses on the CPP method were held: An annual study program on CPP, and Two-day CPP booster sessions with Prof. Alicia Lieberman 15. Training program on trauma-informed intervention for children and families in a state of trauma or crisis, in the social services departments 16. The basic principles of CPP intervention: Child-parent therapy at preschool age, in situations of trauma and domestic violence, In collaboration with the Educational-Psychological Service (SHEFI), Tel-Aviv Municipality 17. Training program based on trauma-informed intervention, for the staff of the Child Development Center, Ashkelon and the Barzelai Hospital 18. Training in trauma-informed intervention at the therapeutic foster homes of the Orr Shalom Organization, in collaboration with the organization 19. Work sessions for senior staff members of residential care – integrating principles of trauma treatment in childhood with work in residential care
20.Therapeutic work with the staff treating parents of adolescent girls in out- of-home placement, in collaboration with the Toronto Friendship Organization (Yedidut Toronto) 21. Seminar for the “Otot” Association coordinators, in collaboration with the organization 22. A concluding seminar on the protection program, at Kedumim 23. Ganei Tal – Training protection committees, in collaboration with the Nahal Sorek Regional Council 24. Evening seminar for protection committees, Nahal Sorek Regional Council: in collaboration with the council 25. Gush Etzion – training protection teams, in collaboration with the Gush Etzion social services departments 26. Gush Etzion – Counseling and Guidance Sessions with graduates of the protectiveness training program, in collaboration with the Gush Etzion Regional Council 27. A study program for the rabbis of the Barkai Center, on protection in the family and in the community, in collaboration with the Barkai Center 28. Outdoor Training (O.D.T.) – Workshop for the staff of the Beit Lynn child protection centers, In collaboration with the Welfare Ministry 29. Regional study days for child development centers, in collaboration with the Health Ministry 30.Study program for school bussing escorts of special education students, in collaboration with the Holon Municipality and the Holon Society for Educational Institutions 31. A program for parents of children with disabilities in Haifa (in Arabic): “How do we prevent abuse of our children?”, in collaboration with the KESHEROrganization 32. Training programs for the Alyn Hospital Staff, in collaboration with the Health Ministry and Alyn Hospital 33. Training program on the identification of suspected abuse among children with serious health problems, in collaboration with the Health Ministry and Alyn Hospital 34. Training program for directors of emergency centers, in collaboration with the Welfare Ministry 35. Workshop on the subject of divorce-related conflict, for the treatment staff of the Be’er Sheva Emergency Center 36. Beit Midrash “Dina” – an innovative workshop reflecting Jewish psychology, for women therapists treating both victims of abuse and abusers, In collaboration with the Ein Tzurim Herzog Center and the Help Center, Raanana 37. Study program “Lowering the Risk”, in collaboration with the Rotenberg Center for Jewish Psychology
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
Study and Training Programs for Health Care Professions
Selected programs:
1. Training Courses for Nurses at Family Health Stations The nurses at Israel’s family health stations are often the only professionals who encounter the infant and its family and follow its development during the first stage of life.. Therefore, training them to detect, identify and report child victims of abuse is of crucial importance. Subjects of this course dealt with parent-child attachment, all forms of abuse and its clinical and emotional effects; Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome; children with disabilities; regulations and reporting procedures, Health Ministry regulations and barriers in reporting; the role of the nurse in detecting and reporting trauma in preschool-age children and its implications; secondary trauma of therapists; how to talk with children and interdisciplinary cooperation together with welfare agencies. The nurses participated in a one-day seminar at MSR, the National Center for Medical Simulation At MSR, the nurses of the infant-care centers received initial information on the issue of child abuse and neglect, and practiced six virtual scenarios that reflect actual situations the nurses encounter in their work at the family health clinics. 2. Study Program for Psychologists and Psychiatrists at Hadassah Hospital This study program aimed to raise the awareness of diagnosis, identification and detection of child victims of abuse, and steps to be taken following detection and identification. The greater part of the program dealt with parental alienation and the attitude towards diagnosis; identification; actions to be taken following identification; when referrals should made and who to refer to; how does psychopathology develop; the effects on the physical, mental and developmental health of the abused child.
3. Other Study and Training Programs for Health Care Professions 1. Advanced basic course in MSR for public health nurses at the Wolfson School of Nursing, in collaboration with MSR, 2. Study programs for physicians in the community, in collaboration with "Goshen” and the HMO’s, 3. Workshops at MSR (Center for Medical Simulation) on identifying maltreated children – for the medical and nursing divisions of Israel’s hospitals 4. Follow-up program for doctors, graduates of the Haruv course, in collaboration with the Health Ministry, the Institute of Forensic Medicine, and the State Attorney’s office 5. Study program for doctors and nurses of the hospitals of Clalit health services about the abuse and neglect of children.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
Study and Training Programs in the Field of Education
Activities in Schools Sponsored by the Haruv Institute - The educational framework is central and significant in a child’s life - it is where he spends most of his childhood years and the greater part of each day. The centrality and importance of this framework is many times greater for maltreated children. These children are at the greatest risk, as the source of the risk is their own home and family, where the person, whose most natural role is to protect the child, is the one who harms him. At the early stages, the educator plays a central and significant role in the child’s life, especially for the maltreated child. Although the educational framework is central and meaningful in the child’s life, a survey on violence towards children and adolescents in Israel - done by the Center for Social Research at Haifa University, in collaboration with the Education Ministry and the initiative and funding of the Triana Company - found that over 50% of the children who were victims of sexual or physical abuse, firmly refused to discuss their experience with professionals – teachers, school counselors, social workers, doctors and nurses. The survey further revealed that of all the reports on physical or sexual abuse that the children themselves initiated, only ten percent were shared with the teacher or school counselor. Recognizing the centrality of the educational system in detecting and identifying maltreated children, the Haruv Institute has set a goal to expand its training programs to include the formal education workers in the system, for different age groups. In 2016 the Haruv Institute started visiting the teachers’ rooms in schools, with the understanding that the school staff (teachers and administrators) is the main target population that can disseminate the information, as the staff members fulfill the role of the significant adult for children in general, and for maltreated children in particular. The aim of the sessions at the schools was to provide the staff with tools to help detect and identify maltreated children, and when there is suspected abuse, tools to deal with the child and his family and to contact the treatment agencies within the community. The subjects raised in the training programs are tailored to each school individually.
Selected programs:
1. Training the Staffs of the “Organization for the Promotion of Education in Tel Aviv-Jaffa”
The Organization for the Promotion of Education in Tel Aviv-Jaffa is an NGO, not- for-profit organization that provides a wide spectrum of social services whose goal is to create a new reality for thousands of children in Jaffa, southern Tel Aviv and Bat-Yam. The children under this organization’s care live in poverty-stricken neighborhoods and mostly come from families in which the parents, or those responsible for the child, are unemployed. In the homes of these children there is no supportive framework that addresses their physical and emotional needs, and often they suffer from some form of neglect or abuse. The Haruv Institute works in collaboration with this organization to train its caregiving and educational teams. In 2016 the Haruv Institute held two training programs, in collaboration with the Organization for the Promotion of Education in Tel Aviv-Jaffa: Training the organization’s therapeutic staff in play therapy,for children who experienced traumatic events Training the educational staff of the Organization for the Promotion of Education in Tel Aviv-Jaffa The “A Home For Every Child” non-profit organization, in its various frameworks and programs, provides services for about 2,000 abused and neglected children per year/The organization operates treatment frameworks for children at-risk, such as emergency shelters in Jerusalem and in Be’er Sheva, a transitional home and after-school therapeutic programs, and the Meital Center. Through the training of its professional staff, the help the organization offers children at risk will develop and improve. In 2016 training programs were held for the workers of the “A Home For Every Child” Organization: For the staffs of the after-school programs, in West Jerusalem In East Jerusalem Training program for directors Day seminar for the entire organization 2. Training the Staffs of the “A Home for Every Child” Non- Profit Organization
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
3. Other Study and Training Programs in the Field of Education 1. A training course for house parents of the “Orr Shalom” non-profit organization, on the subject: therapeutic work with children who experienced traumatic events, in collaboration with the organization 2. Training sessions for the staff of the HaOgen Community Youth Village, Be’er Sheva, in collaboration with the Village. 3. Training for childcare workers of preschool-aged children in the Bedouin society, 4. In collaboration with the Ajik Negev Institute,
Study and Training Programs in the Field of Welfare
Selected programs:
1. Trauma-Informed Intervention Programs in out-of-home Frameworks Trauma-informed intervention, in collaboration with the “Re’im Transitional Home” Trauma-informed intervention, in collaboration with “Neve Wizo”, Herzliya Trauma-informed intervention, in the foster services, in collaboration with “Shachar – Foster Care Services” 2. Training program on selected issues related to work with children at risk Frequently, the families seeking treatment at the welfare department come from a complex reality in their lives and suffer from stressful and distressful events, such as exposure to violence and abuse, illness, sudden death of a family member, divorce- related conflicts, rejection, loss or desertion of a significant figure. Social workers in the various social service departments encounter families that cope with
multiple problems and needs, to which the workers must provide solutions, and all this while under a heavy workload. Many workers remark that they feel they don’t have the proper tools and resources for direct intervention. The act of intervention by the social worker with the families, and especially with the children who in these families, requires understanding the effects of stress and distress on families and children, and implementing the appropriate tools to cope with the situations of risk and danger to the children. In the program’s framework, the social workers were exposed to fundamental issues in work with children at risk and their families. The aim of the training program was to help the social workers with their daily coping. Subjects of the training program: children in states of neglect; generational transmission of abuse; approaches to working with parents; skills for discourse and intervention with parents; approaches to working with children in states of stress and distress; the language in talking with children; approaches to working with adolescents: coping with resistance and aggression; skills in discourse and intervention with adolescents; a workshop with the participation of actors from MSR (the National Center for Medical Simulation); children with disabilities at risk of abuse, neglect; detecting and identifying disabled child victims of abuse, etc. 3. Other Study and Training Programs in the Field of Welfare 1. Intervention in situations of stress and trauma with families and children, in collaboration with the Ramat HaSharon Welfare Department 2. Intervention in situations of stress and trauma: training program for family workers in the welfare department, Ashdod municipality, training course for professionals and students at the National Center for Medical Simulation (MSR), Tel Hashomer hospital 3. Activity days for students of social work
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
Study and Training Programs in the Judicial and Legislative Fields
Selected programs:
1. Day of training at the Judea & Samaria District on: “Sexual Abuse on the Internet” The aim of this day of training was to raise the awareness of the dangers on the internet, to become familiar with the surfing habits of minors and to provide the police prevention workers with practical tools in working with adolescents in schools. 2. “My Very Own Lawyer”: Training Legal Guardians at Litem The training provides background and professional tools regarding the maltreatment of minors and creates a field of specialization, standardization and a work code for the legal representatives of minors. The training included a discussion about the inter-disciplinary work model of the protection center, in order to increase the number of referrals to the center when necessary and lowering the secondary victimization experienced by minors-victims of crime. The training was focused, comprehensive and multidisciplinary, attended by lawyers from the legal aid department who represent minors in civil procedures, in order to establish a representation network and a pool of lawyers who are specialists in representing minors in Israel. 3. Other Study and Training Programs in the Judicial and Legislative Fields 1. One-day seminar for duty officers at the Ashkelon Protection Center, in collaboration with the Israel Police Force 2. The Efal Seminar for legal aides, in collaboration with the courts administration, “Ozmat” Institute (training legal aides) 3. Becoming familiar with the Protection Center, for youth investigators in the Jerusalem precinct, in collaboration with the Israel Police Force and Beit Lynn 4. Certification of youth investigators, in collaboration with the Israel Police
CONFERENCES AND STUDY DAYS In keeping with its comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach, in 2016 the Haruv Institute conducted a variety of conferences and seminars, reaching out to large and diverse audiences, raising their awareness of child abuse and neglect, and exposing them to the major relevant issues in this area.
Selected Conferences and Seminars:
1. The Negev Conference for the Welfare of the Child Every year the Haruv Institute is a central partner at the Negev Conference for the Welfare of the Child (the Beer Sheva Conference), the only conference of its kind in Israel that addresses the issues regarding the welfare and well-being of children. At this year’s seminar the Haruv Institute organized three sessions that focused on maltreated children. The first session dealt with the role of the educational system on the issue of maltreated children. The second session dealt with the phenomenon of shaming and offending professionals who treat children. The third session dealt with the issue of preventing the phenomenon of child abuse.
Session on at-risk and endangered children, the Negev Conference on Child Welfare 2016
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
2. Seminars for social workers of the Welfare Law (for the mentally disabled) and rehabilitative social workers A social worker of the Welfare Law (for the mentally disabled) is appointed by law to protect people with mental disabilities. These workers, whose job is difficult and complex, receive special training in the law and its regulations and are dispersed throughout Israel. These study days not only provide them with new information, but also help them think outside the box, providing a respite from routine thinking patterns. Subjects of the study days: keeping “an open mind” and creative thinking; the authoritative field and the therapeutic field, can they go together? ; the film: A Paper Wedding, that deals with a cognitive-social disability. Discussion with the lead actress, Asi Levi; changes, trends and procedures in the role of the social worker of the Welfare Law (for the mentally disabled). 3. Day seminar for volunteers of pre-army public service, at “Ogen HaKehilati” and “Gar’in BaMidbar” The aim of this day seminar was to share information with the volunteers on the importance of ‘benevolent figures’ and their significance for young adolescents in the frameworks in which the volunteers work. The day seminar began with a personal story of a girl at risk who, when she grew up, became a mentor for young girls at risk. “If they didn’t give up on me, I too won’t give up on myself”. This was followed by a lecture, “About children at risk – from here to where?”, and concluded with an entertainment respite – a musical performance by Tal Kravitz. 4. Concentrated Study days: An introduction to Child- Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) and trauma, in working with families at high risk Psychologists at the Educational Psychology Service, who work with preschool- aged children and their parents, encounter the effect of trauma on the child’s development and on his family. Therefore, there is great importance in training them in trauma-informed intervention for use with this child population. The importance of this training is prominent in view of the fact that in the forthcoming academic year (2016-2017) the Holon Educational Psychology Service will be providing services for the first time to Holon’s child day care centers as well. This is in addition to the services already provided to the city’s kindergartens. Subjects of the day seminar: Defeated parenting; the effect of trauma on the parent-child relationship; why it is important to talk about trauma; the process of
diagnosing and assessing trauma; the principles of CPP and the principles of trauma intervention; consultancy sessions focusing on case presentations, etc.
5. Conference on the subject: Seeking Help for Children at Risk, for senior counselors at the Psychological Counseling Service (SHEFY) The aim of the conference was to promote activism among the educational staff when seeking help for children at risk in general, and maltreated children in particular. The keynote lecture was given by Gil Noam from Harvard University, U.S.A., who presented a unique tool, the “Holistic Student Assessment” for class mapping of students according to at-risk groups. With this tool, the homeroom teacher will know which students need his help and support, even if they didn’t approach him directly. Prof. Noam’s lecture was followed by a response from Einav Locke, head of the Assistance and Prevention Programs Department, SHEFY, the Education Ministry, who presented the ministry’s view on this subject.
Conference on the subject of children-at-risk who seek help, for senior counselors of SHEFY, the Psychological Counseling Service, December 7, 2016
Prof. Yaacov Yablon, Deputy Director of the School of Education and Head of the Department for Teacher Training at Bar-Ilan University, gave a lecture on “Students who sought help from the school services following at-risk situations” Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh, CEO of the Haruv Institute, lectured on “Maltreated children: Characteristics and the situation today”.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
6. Conference on the topic: “Parent-Child relationships as a basis for developing empathy in children: A look through the trauma lens”, at the Parent -Child Treatment Center, Netanya The “Trauma Lens” provides a perspective and powerful therapeutic compass when working with children and their families. Over 300 professionals attended the conference, dedicated to the effects of trauma on children, parents and the ties between them.
Conference on the topic: “Parent-Child relationships as a basis for developing empathy in children. A look through the trauma lens”
7. Two-day conferences for child protection officers and social workers in divorce conflicts The aim of these conferences is to facilitate a meeting and dialogue between child protection officers and social workers whose work interfaces at many points, in interventions with children at risk and children in divorce conflicts. The conferences provide an opportunity for respite and reorientation for these social workers, whose work is complex and enervating.
A discussion about humor and work, with the media personality, Einav Galilee, Conference of social workers, September 25, 2016
8. Day seminar: “In the shadow of abuse” On the first anniversary marking the death of Yonatan Levin, a day seminar was held, titled: “In the shadow of abuse”. This seminar dealt with the hardships that victims of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse have to cope with. The target group was professionals and friends of the family.
Actors from the play, “Chess”, day seminar titled “In the shadow of abuse”, July 11, 2016
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
9. Other Conferences and Study Days 1. Youth Conference, Southern District, in collaboration with the Israel Police 2. Regional study days for the Child Development units and clinics, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health's Child Development Department, Department for Treatment of Domestic Violence, and the National Service for Social Work 3. The annual Tzohar Conference on Society, Education and Welfare – a unique series of lectures on the subject of sexual abuse, in collaboration with the Organization of the Tzohar Rabbis 4. Evening seminar on the subject: Detecting children with disabilities who are at risk of abuse and neglect, in collaboration with the ALEH Organization (Network of Care for Children with Severe Disabilities) 5. Day Seminar, “Can you hear me?” – constructive communication between the school bussing escort and the student, in collaboration with the HolonMunicipality and the Holon Society for Educational Institutions 6. General conference of the “A Home For Every Child” Organization 7. Second Public Lecture in memory of Patricia Van Horn
Selected Projects:
The Haruv Children's Campus The Haruv Children’s Campus is a unique and innovative initiative, the first of its kind in the world, whose goal is to create university-linked services for abused children. The campus brings together under one roof a variety of services for abused and neglected children. This initiative is led by the Haruv Institute in association with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and through the generous support of the Schusterman-Israel Foundation (SFI) and the JDC –Israel. The campus will encourage mutual cooperation between the various services for maltreated children. Both clinical and therapeutic services will operate on campus, including child advocacy services, a range of training programs for students of the behavioral sciences and medicine and accompanying research from the Hebrew University. The campus will facilitate synergy between the various services, will increase the individual contribution of each of the partners, creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
On campus a variety of services for children-at-risk are brought together: a children’s emergency center, a Child Protection Center (Beit Lynn), a treatment center for child victims of sexual abuse (Meital), the Jerusalem Center for Family and Marriage Counselling (Ma’avarim), the National Council for the Child, the SHEKEL Therapeutic Treatment Unit, the MSR Center for Social Simulation and the Goshen Initiative. After two years of intensive work building the campus, construction was completed in December 2016 and its residents began moving in. In early January 2017 a moving opening ceremony took place, in the presence of representatives of the donors and representatives of the organizations and services that are populating the campus.
Link to video of the opening ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEZJfLu1LJ8
Opening ceremony of the Haruv Children’s Campus, January 9th, 2017
The Haruv Children’s Campus, the inner courtyard
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
A Project to Facilitate Interrogation and Testimony and Make it Accessible to People with Complex Communication Disabilities, Via Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) – a Four-Year Project In 2016 the Augmentative Alternative Communication method (AAC), that had run for the past five years (since 2013), came to an end. The aim of this project was to create a tool that would facilitate the process of investigation and testimony in court. The Haruv Institute led the program to make investigation and testimony accessible via augmentative alternative communication (AAC), in collaboration with JDC-Israel; Ashalim; TheWelfareMinistry andSocial Services, theService for Child Investigations and Special Investigations and Disabilities Departments of the Welfare Ministry; the Education Ministry – Special Education Branch, SHEFI (psychological consultation service); the National Insurance Institute; the Isaac Israel Organization (NGO); the Ministry of Justice – State Attorney’s Office; Israel Police. (For further details and information search the Haruv Institute internet site – Project for making investigation accessible to people with complex communication disabilities via augmentative alternative communication (AAC).
Nekudat Mifgash (Meeting Point) Newsletter
The newsletter, “Nekudat Mifgash”, is published twice a year. One issue is dedicated to the entire scope of topics relevant to the issue of child abuse, while the second issue is dedicated to one chosen subject. The newsletter’s contribution is in creating an infrastructure for discourse, cooperation and coordination between the various agencies, by making information accessible both in the academic world and in the field, on child abuse issues that are of interest to the professional congregation. The newsletter includes articles on a wide variety of topics related to child abuse, including legal, therapeutic and research aspects and reviewing special projects. In 2016 the newsletter was turned into a digital format, making it more accessible and more comfortable for reading and research. The digital format is distributed through a mailing list of the Haruv Institute and students in the field, and is accessible on the institute’s website. The newsletter is also printed and distributed among the attendees of the institute’s training programs and seminars. In both its digital and printed format, the newsletter is distributed to about 10,000 professionals.
In 2016 two issues were published: one in January 2016, issue no.11, focusing on a single issue; the second in July 2016, issue no.12, covering multiple topics. Both newsletters, numbers 11 and 12, can be found on the internet site of the Haruv Institute, along with the other issues. Search for “Nekudat Mifgash Newsletter” in the Research and Publications section of the site.
Nekudat Mifgash Newsletter – covers of issue 11, January 2016
Nekudat Mifgash Newsletter – covers of issue 12, July 2017
Other Projects: 1. SafeCare Program - works towards the prevention of child abuse and neglect, In collaboration with the State University of Georgia and the Ashdod Municipality 2. “Mehalev”: an initiative to prevent child abuse, In collaboration with the National Council for the Child, the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute and the BCG consulting firm. A consulting committee for the initiative includes representatives of the government ministries (Welfare, Education, Home Security, Health) and experts from Academia 3. Strong Communities, In collaboration with Prof. Gary Milton and Dr. Jill McCaig (USA), the Tel Aviv Municipality Social Services Administration’s southern region
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
and Sha’ar Yaffo department, and the Organization for Promoting Education in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. For the Strong Communities newsletter, see the Haruv Institute’s website – Strong Communities in Israel.
The recipients of the fifth season of the Post-Doctorate Scholarships program are Dr. Dafna Gross-Manos (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.), Dr. Eran Melkman (Oxford University, UK), and Dr. Adi Stern (King’s College, UK). The three were chosen following a rigorous selection process by an academic committee whose members were Asher Ben-Arieh, Prof. Anat Zeira, Prof. Badi Chasyasi, Prof. Ariel Knafo and Prof. Adina Meir. In December 2016 a study session was held with the three scholarship recipients at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College, London. During this session, the recipients gave lectures and received a tour of the Center for Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry. Delegates from the Haruv Institute who took part in the tour were Prof. Ben-Arieh and Prof. Zeira. Of the 12 graduates from the first four seasons of the program, six have already joined faculties in the academia (at the Hebrew University, the University of Haifa, Bar-Ilan University, Ben-Gurion University and the Western Galilee College): Dr. Dafna Tener, Dr. Iris Lavi, Dr. Adi Barak, Dr. Florina Uzefovsky, Dr. Yochai Nadan and Dr. Benjamin Bailey. The Haruv Institute maintains constant ties with the program’s graduates in the Haruv Colleagues framework, and supports their research projects in various ways.
Study session of the Haruv Institute’s scholarship recipients, at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College, London, December 2016
Children-at-Risk: a Joint Course for Israel and South Korea 2016 A joint course of the Haruv Institute and the Schools of Social Work of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Seoul University, South Korea South Korea is a country in East Asia with a population of fifty million people. South Korea was established in 1948, following World War II, under American trusteeship. Since its establishment, South Korea has undergone many changes – economic, social and cultural – and transformed from a rural, traditional society into one of the most developed and industrialized societies in the world. Notwithstanding, the country’s social services haven’t succeeded in closing the gaps created by the rapid changes the society went through, especially in their transformation from a rural society to an industrialized society. Therefore they haven’t succeeded in meeting the needs that arose from these changes. South Korea is currently investing extensive resources in developing social services. Joint research ventures were developed between Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh, CEO of the Haruv Institute and a faculty member of the Bob Shapell School of Social Work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Prof. Bong Li, from the University of Seoul. Following in their footsteps, it was decided to establish a joint course with the Haruv Institute and the schools of social work of both universities. The students who took part in the course were Master’s Degree and Ph.D. students from both universities. The idea behind this initiative was to enable mutual learning and enrichment through the perspective of comparing the two countries’ welfare systems, especially the services for maltreated children. In April 2016 a delegation of nine Israeli students from the Hebrew University’s School of Social Work traveled to the National University of Seoul, escorted by Prof. Ben-Arieh. During their stay, the students were exposed to the social problems and welfare systems in South Korea. The students learned about the South Korean policies for treating maltreated children, they visited the facilities offered to these children – including an emergency center, a protection center and boarding-schools – and also learned about social work in South Korea from the students they met. About two months following the Israeli students’ visit to South Korea, the Korean students came to Israel for one week to study Israel’s welfare systems. The two groups developed social ties, and the open discussions between them – on the differences and similarities between the two cultures and coping with child abuse and neglect – were of great importance, both at the personal level as and at the professional level. Getting to know the students and becoming familiar with the South Korean system was an interesting and unique experience for everyone, because of the cultural differences between the two countries and the great differences in their welfare systems. The unique perspective gained led the Israeli students to examine phenomena that were familiar to them from new and different viewpoints.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
Joint course Israel and South Korea. The Israeli delegation in Seoul,April 2016
Visit of Delegation from Italy A delegation of seven professionals was invited to visit in Israel, in January 2016, from Puglia, southern Italy. The delegation was led by a senior researcher at the Zancan Institute in Padua, and included two senior academicians from the University of Bari and four senior delegates from the social organizations and the regional welfare network. In the course of the week’s visit, and the delegates’ residence in Jerusalem, they visited a wide array of social services for children-at-risk (including an emergency center, a protection center, the Jerusalem Municipality’s Social & Community Sector), attended lectures given by the finest researchers in the field and met with leading academicians and policy-makers in the Welfare Ministry. The delegation also visited Yad Vashem and other major sites in Jerusalem and was glad of the opportunity to meet central figures involved in developing services for children-at-risk in Israel. A reciprocal visit to Italy of a delegation of professionals from the Jerusalem Municipality and the Haruv Institute will take place in 2017.
Hosting the Italian delegation in Israel, January 2016
Other Research and International Activities 1. Children at risk, from a comparative perspective – a joint course of the Haruv institute and the schools of social work of the Hebrew university, Jerusalem and the university of Tulsa, Oklahoma 2. Workshop on mixed methods research 3. Haruv-Brookdale seminar 4. International workshop for doctoral students 5. Research on views held by therapists, treating sexually abused people with disabilities HARUV–USA Haruv-USA at Oklahoma University in Tulsa is a new initiative that combines the best of two worlds: the unique expertise and international leadership of the Haruv Institute in Israel with the research-based knowledge and expertise of the Oklahoma University at Tulsa and the Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work. HARUV- USA is the initiative of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation. The Institute focuses on the comprehensive and multi-disciplinary education and training of students and professionals, concerning the life of maltreated children, and aims to train professionals in the field of detection, prevention and treatment of maltreated children. HARUV-USA is located at the state-of-the-art Schusterman Simulation Department, at the new Tandy Education Center of the Oklahoma University at Tulsa. At the Tandy Education Center innovative social and medical simulations are carried out, which provide a unique training method and feedback from colleagues and experts in the field. Using this method, students and professionals can practice skills and professional work in a safe, nearly-real environment. HARUV-USA, like the Haruv Institute in Jerusalem, uses a variety of strategies to promote its goals: Developing innovative educational programs that equip professionals with knowledge and the newest professional tools, both theoretical and empirical, to help them perform in their professional capacity at the highest level. Nurturing a congregation of professionals, working at the highest level, in order to promote the welfare and well-being of children; and to promote the professionals with whom the Institute works, who are the same professionals that surround the maltreated child, i.e., social workers, psychologists, doctors, nurses, judges, lawyers, educational advisors, etc.
The Haruv Institute : A Snapshot of 2016 Activities
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